NEL参赛战队Tempo Storm离华临别采访(长)




楼主 艾露恩格尔  发布于 2015-03-18 12:19:00 +0800 CST  
00:02 Monk: That's saying wherever has the mic should answer the questions.


00:07 Monk: Dog you've already got. They want you to...


00:09 Dog:Because...


00:09 Gaara: I'm so dog..


00:13 Dog: Reynad?

Dog: Reynad救我……

00:15 Reynad: Yeah I'd do it. If it’s okay.

Reynad: 嗯我来做吧

00:33, the question is, for everyone except dog last year you came to China, for different tournaments, how is this experience different from that one? Tournament wise, not so.. um.. Let's just say tournament wise. And for dog, what is it like for the first time come to china?


00:58 Dog: It was.. pretty cool.

Dog: 还挺不错的!

01:04 Monk: Oh yeah this has to be at the front.


01:09 Dog: Oh my bad. oh, okay. alright.


01:12 Dog: It was pretty fun. I mean I mostly just travel through.


01:13 Dog: You know, explore. It was kinda like every other country, except no one talks in English. so it's kinda difficult to get around.


01:23 Dog: Other than that we've just played Hearthstone. Had pretty good time.


01:32 Hyped: This time is a lot different for us, because last time in WCA we were in more rural area? So we didn't really get to see what China looks like, not as much as this time we get to see Shanghai, Hangzhou, much more urban cities.

Hyped: 这一次来中国是一次非常不同的经历。因为上次在WCA的时候,我们住的地方是比较偏远的乡村地区。所以那次并没能看见中国真实的样子。而这次我们得以见到了上海,杭州,这些非常现代的城市地区。

01:45 Gaara: This time it was like.. really different. Also like, compare to other tournament. Because this was really really really long trip, we stayed here for a month, so we could, like, really be experiencing. Like living here for a month. I think it's because it's LAN based tournament trip. Also my first time playing in team league. Other than that, it’s usually like solo... It was fun. Tournament wise.

Gaara: 这一次真的非常不一样,不仅仅是跟上一次来华相比,跟其他国家地区的比赛相比也很不同。因为这次的旅行真的持续了好久好久好久啊。我们在中国呆了快一个月,也因此得以确实的体验中国的生活,真正在中国生活的一个月。这是因为此次来华参加的比赛都是以线下赛为主的。而且也是我第一次参加战队联赛。除此以外还有些个人活动。这次旅行挺愉快的,就比赛而言。

02:11 Reynad: Yeah I think that Hangzhou is like more.. like a better view of what China's really like, than Yinchuan which is where WCA was. It was a good time. People are really nice. The food is great. I like tournament format a lot, would like to try again. Because uh the team format is really fun, it's not something that’s done in the west very often, it's usually just individual tournaments. So the format it was unique to us, like we never played it before. So that was a kind of learning experience. I mean I kinda sucked at it at where it... I feel it's one of the things if we do it again we would be.. would go a lot better. Not like.. it is all kind of disappointing, we made it out of groups, made it into playoffs, it was very good, but... Yeah I like the team format it was fun. We did a few things totally different this time.

Reynad: 相比上次在银川的WCA,我认为在杭州的生活给我们提供了更好的了解中国的视角。我在这生活的很愉快。中国人都很友好,中国菜非常赞。我非常喜欢这个比赛的赛制,非常希望能再打一次,因为战队联赛真的很有趣,这不是我们在西方能很常见到的形式,在西方几乎只有个人比赛。战队联赛对我们来说很独特,我们从未体验过这种模式。对我们来说这也是一种学习新事物的经历。我老实说这次打的并不好……从结果而言是比较令人失望的。我们从小组中晋级,我们来到了上海,这一切之前都很不错,不过……总而言之我很喜欢战队联赛的模式,很有意思。跟以往相比,我们做了很多不同的事情。

04:15 Monk: So for this tournament, you had to use all 9 classes, each team had to... make each player to want to agree with different classes and everything else. How did you decide which classes each player would use? Like for example this is the game where who uses warrior... How did you decide which of your three players goes first, second and third Strategy wise.

Monk: 在这个比赛中,你们必须使用全部的9个职业,每个战队得协调商量好卡组,职业,先后顺序等事宜。你们是如何商定每个选手使用哪些职业的?比如说今天你们谁决定用了战士……你们是怎么商定好谁首发,谁压轴?从战术层面来说。

04:40 Reynad: The classes we pick, a lot different from conquest.. Dog and myself are very comfortable with most of the popular classes. Gaara is more of shaman and priest, so we should give him shaman and priest. And those classes are kinda weak, and they also have a lot of possibilities, so we usually play them at last. So we usually play everything except shaman and priest going first rounds. I would do that again I think, maybe move Gaara to second... But that's most of the strategy. I don't think it was bad... It's just more like... There's always one class that was not prepared... Like yesterday warrior should've not been played in the first round for Hyped I think. Some other days, we should play like hunter earlier, or should play paladin earlier. Our lineup is just.. I think we played certain classes at wrong time, through out the tournament. But it's something we kinda learned along... To be expected I think?

Reynad: 我们个人的职业选择跟征服模式有许多不同。Dog和我更喜欢用当前环境的强势职业。Gaara更忠诚于萨满和牧师,所以我们应当给他使用萨满和牧师。这两个职业相对弱一些,也有很多的可能性,所以我们通常在最后使用他们。在第一轮除了萨满和牧师的任何职业都有可能登场。这就是我们的战术,我们如果还有机会打这个赛制,仍会沿用它。也许下次让Gaara多打二号位。我不认为这个战术制定是糟糕的。我们失利的主要原因在于,总有职业没有放在该出现的位置。像昨天,战士不应该让Hyped首发登场。我们有时应该首发猎人,有时应该首发圣骑士,我们的职业和选手序列有些……我觉得在整个联赛中,我们的好些职业出场的时机不对。这些都是我们边打边领悟到的。

楼主 艾露恩格尔  发布于 2015-03-18 12:20:00 +0800 CST  
06:50 Monk: So this question is for Reynad, in your match today, you played rogue verses priest. And, it must have been really terrible feeling for you to play Mimiron’s head and just let it die, not having the win conditions. You also had your Auctioneers at the bottom few cards in your deck. How did you feel when your Mimiron’s Head gets destroyed and you didn't draw your Auctioneers? And that's part of the question, part one. Part two is, in the next game, you decided not to... You got rekt by the Mind Control Tech, and you decided not to trade into the KT, what is the reason for that? Not trading into KT?

Monk: 这个问题是给Reynad的,在你今天的比赛中,你使用盗贼对战牧师,打出米米隆却无法保护它不被对手杀死,没有抽到致胜的关键牌,这一定让你心情很不好。你的加基森也在你卡组的最后几张。对于这些情景你当时的感受如何?这是问题的第一部分,第二部分是,在你的下场比赛中,你被精神控制技师打崩了。你当时决定不换掉对面的克尔苏加德,原因何在?

07:38 Reynad: Ah well. I don't think Mimiron’s Head’s dying had anything to do with me losing at my game. It was pretty irrelevant. It was mostly drawing 24 cards, not getting Gadgetzan Auctioneer. I’ve mulliganed my entire hand looking for that card and drew 24 cards, i didn't draw it... So.. I feel pretty great, I feel happy for not drawing my Gadgetzan. I would do it again, 10 out of 10. What was the second part of the question?

Reynad: 我不认为米米隆的死亡跟输掉整场比赛有太大关系。主要还是因为我牌库只剩6张,却仍然没见到加基森。我开局手牌全换只为见到加基森,之后游戏中又抽了24张牌,却还是看不到,你问我感觉如何?我感觉很棒啊,抽不到加基森我真特么开心死了,我发誓我这辈子绝对还会再碰到这种低概率事件。你的第二个问题是什么?

08:15 Monk: Why didn't you attack the KT?

Monk: 你为什么没有换掉对手的克尔苏加德?

08:16 Reynad: Right... The game was undoable because of shredder... It was more vulnerable for priests. It didn't matter if I attack KT or not either way I lose the game. Because either way I lose to Mind Control Tech. If I killed the KT, he double Mind Control Techs and Echos anyways. If I don't kill the KT, I get more face damage, he double Mind Control Techs and Echos anyway. There's no winning line of the play, and going face is better IMO, because maybe I’d draw burst and he had absolutely no taunts for the rest of the game. I don't know. It was unfortunate that he got Armorsmith, because that I think I go to face I could’ve won. But, that's just unwinnable, to get away he's playing Explosive Sheep, Kel'thuzad mage. And i think it would be paladin and shaman, 100% of the time, and I think it would be as rarely as that deck 0% of the time. So I felt really unwinnable from the beginning. Just cause the way he build.

Reynad: 那盘游戏是没法玩的,因为伐木机的缘故……我是否换掉克尔苏加德根本无关紧要,我终归会输的。我终归是要被精神控制技师打崩的。假设我杀了克尔苏加德,对手有双精神控制技师和麦迪文回响。如果我没杀克尔苏加德,我打脸,对手还是会双精神控制技师和麦迪文回响。当时的情况下,我的手牌中没有所谓的正确的打法。我觉得打脸会相对好些,也许我能抽到爆发伤害,也许他抽不到防御类卡牌,我也不知道。不走运的是,对手居然搞到铸甲师,就在我破釜沉舟准备打脸的时候。总之那场比赛是没法赢的。对手的牌组是一套带克尔苏加德和爆炸绵羊的法师,我以为他会玩骑士或者萨满的,完全没想到他会用这套牌。我就感觉那场比赛从一开始就注定了失败,原因就因为他带来了那套牌组。

楼主 艾露恩格尔  发布于 2015-03-18 12:20:00 +0800 CST  
09:57 Monk: Next question is for dog, so your druid play was nice then. You also got very lucky, the Innervate Shade and Wild Growth. How much do you think "luck" plays in druid, compare to some of the other decks?

Monk: 下一个提问是给Dog的。你的德鲁伊玩的特别好,经常运气很好,激活影子野性成长啥都有。你觉得对德鲁伊玩家来说运气的作用占几成,相对其他职业?

10:18 Dog: I think every deck kinda like a lot of luck too. In druid mirror it matters a lot more, it's just because like if you ever draw Wild Growth ramp a lot earlier. But to every deck like if you don't draw your 1-drop, your 2-drop, your 3-drop, like curved out very well, it's just gonna be like... bad. It's not just druid, it's like every single class, has a lot of luck to it. I think that's just Hearthstone.

Dog: 我觉得任何卡组要赢都需要非常好的运气,只不过德鲁伊内战中运气格外重要。因为你抽到和没抽到野性成长,早期有没有攀上科技在内战中是致命的。但是玩其他职业也一样啊,你要是开局没有1费2费3费度过前期,没能做到每个回合完美的水晶利用率,也是很糟糕的。并不是只有德鲁伊这样。每个职业都这样,需要大量运气。炉石这游戏就是这样的。

11:05 Monk: So Hyped, so you were in the lineup today, how was the lineup decided for each match? And why would you in the last today?

Monk: Hyped,你今天是在上场名单里的,你能告诉我们每场比赛你们是怎么协调上场队员的吗?你为什么今天是最后一个上场?

11:15 Hyped: So yesterday, me and Dog played, and Gaara didn't have to play because we got 2-0ed. We need to make sure Reynad and Gaara were gonna play today, and then as for the last part it's between me and Dog, so we flip the coin, I won the coin flip, so Dog had to play for this match.

Hyped: 昨天我跟Dog上场了,Gaara也在名单里但是我们被穿了所以他才不用上的。我们决定今天Reynad和Gaara一定在名单里,还剩一个人怎么办呢,我和Dog就掷硬币决定,我赢了他,所以Dog上场。

12:14 Monk: The Chinese player are afraid of mech decks, like mech mage, you guys seem to prefer freeze mage, or non-mech mage, what do you guys think? Is it just generally better in tournaments, and why did you guys choose freeze mage?

Monk: 中国玩家都很敬畏机械卡组的强度,比如机械法。你们似乎更偏爱冰法。能说说你们是怎么想的吗?你们是否觉得冰法在比赛里的表现更好?为什么选择冰法?

12:28 Gaara: I think it's just because the meta changed, basically like mech mage where was really strong like a couple weeks ago, I think that playing mech just means it is behind the meta right now. A lot of pros speak it out loud, so it's just too week to play mech mage. That's the main reason And like mage, like in this format we still have to play mage, the strongest version of mage, would be like, it can't count on secrets, because they always have Kezan Mystic. Or freeze mage, freeze mage is overall prolly the strongest deck, so we play freeze mage.

Gaara: 我觉得只是因为Meta变化了,机械法称霸的Meta是几周前的,那时候机械法确实很强。我认为现在的Meta环境还用机械法就落后时代了,很多职业玩家都用各种形式表达了这种看法。机械法胜率不高是我们不用的主要原因。在这个赛制下法师必须登场的话,我们得选用最强版本的法师卡组,他的制胜点不能是奥秘,因为一张科赞就能让它无法取胜。我们认为冰法总体来说是这个Meta最强的卡组。


楼主 艾露恩格尔  发布于 2015-03-18 12:20:00 +0800 CST  
13:45 Monk: Hearthstone is getting bigger influence around the globe, and every country streams their tournaments. This year you travel to China to play the NEL league, which is a very forward experience. Do you guys... In the future, you have to travel to a lot of tournaments shortly. Do you guys enjoy traveling to a lot of tournaments? Just the traveling in general, or do you see it just part of your job that you have to do it?

Monk: 炉石在全球范围的影响力越来越强,每个国家都在直播他们自己的比赛。今年你们来了中国打NEL,是一个很前卫的经历。你们在未来不久又将踏上旅程去各个国家参加比赛,你们是否享受这样的旅途生活?还是说你们只是把旅行看成职业需求的一部分而不得不做?

14:15 Reynad: I think it is.. You can all answer it as different person. I think it is the favorite part of my job, just get to see the world, experience all of it. It's actually my only reason I still play in tournaments. I don't have the time, because of managing the team, I don't have the time, like, to play a lot of hearthstone. So, I never feel I'm on top of my game as before I feel confident at tournaments. But I still want to play it, just so I can see it like china, or see Bucharest, or Sweden. Just traveling is my favorite part of it.

Reynad: 对此我不能统一作答,等下他们也会坦露各自的想法。我认为旅行是我职业生活中最喜欢的部分。我可以去看这个世界,体验它的全部,这实际上是我仍然在打比赛的唯一理由。我很缺时间,因为管理战队我没有时间去玩游戏。我目前在游戏上没有发挥出最强实力,我参加比赛也不如以前自信,但我仍然想去,因为打比赛,我才得以看到中国,或者布勒加斯特,或者瑞典。旅行是我职业生活最棒的部分。

14:50 Gaara: For me it was always like a dream, when I grow up, to travel around the world, to see the world. And gaming was always like my passion, and so, like combine both dreams. So for me it's like dreams coming true. I enjoy every single event, every single tournament.

Gaara: 对我来说这就是梦想,当我长大后,我要环游世界,去看世界。而且游戏是我的生活激情所在。这就好像把两种梦想结合在一起,对我来说就是梦想成真。我享受我的每一个线下活动和比赛。

15:11 Hyped: Is that always be said, traveling is a huge perk that I love about it. Just getting to a way do your job basically into travel, not even on a vacation, it’s like doting both at the same time.

Hyped: 我喜欢旅行,把旅行作为职业的一部分,把旅行、职业、度假三者结合简直不要太赞。

15:27 Dog: Sometimes... It’s like, you go for a week to an event, and you spend like two days traveling so you're really jet lag all the time... I don't know, but it’s like really fun because you could go all these places you would never go, you could win some money, it's like really fun. But i usually only enjoy it if I perform well. Because yeah performing well lights up my mood. If i do poorly then I'm in bad mood on there, yeah so... As long as you perform well, will be fine.

Dog: 常常为了去一个比赛活动,你要花费整整两天在飞机上,之后则一直饱受倒时差的煎熬。不过总的来说还是好的,你可以去一些地方,一些很多人一辈子都没机会去的地方,顺便再赢点奖金,这是很棒的体验。不过我个人通常只享受那些我发挥良好的比赛。每当我比赛发挥好,我的心情就好,如果我比赛表现不好,心情也随之变坏。怎么说呢,只要你的比赛成绩好,旅行就不是问题。

16:46 Monk: So this is the last question. Hearthstone is a great game to stream just in general, you guys also have a lot of fans in China everywhere, stay up all night, during the midnight, in order to watch you guys play from the other side of the world, in both tournaments and on ladder. Have you guys ever considered both streaming on western services such as twitch and also at the same time, streaming on Chinese or eastern service, for your fans in China?

Monk: 这是最后一个问题。炉石是个适合在网上直播的好游戏。你们在中国也有不少粉丝,常常熬夜在地球的另一端看你们比赛或者打天梯。你们是否想过在西方的诸如Twitch等平台直播的同时,为了你们在中国的粉丝,也在东方、中国的平台播放直播呢?

17:17 Dog: I guess I’ll do this one. I don't really.. like I guess I can't watch Twitch in china, I never really thought about it, I don't , I mean, most of them don't speak English, so I don't think i would get like 20 or more viewers, I probably wouldn't ever do it.

Dog: 这个我来回答吧。对此我无法确定……在中国我无法使用Twitch,我从未认真考虑过这个问题。大多数中国观众不说英语,我觉得在中国最多就20个观众会看我直播。我应该不会考虑在中国做直播这个事情。

17:34 Hyped: Yes i just recently heard about Zhanqi and Douyu, but yeah when I looked at the chat, the chat was all Chinese, so I don't know if I stream there if they would speak English in chat or not, I don't know... It isn't something I thought about before.

Hyped: 是的我直到最近才听说战旗和斗鱼,但是当我去看聊天窗口的时候,里面只有中文。我不知道如果我真的在中国直播,观众是否会说英语。我无法确定。这个是我以前从未考虑过的问题。

楼主 艾露恩格尔  发布于 2015-03-18 12:21:00 +0800 CST  
17:53 Gaara: On top of it, for me, it's the same, it’s also difficult I don't really experience how many fans I actually have in China. It's really difficult to say how popular we are, how many people would actually watch us if we would stream for a Chinese crowd.

Gaara: 首先对我来说有着跟之前他们一样的问题。想做这个实在很难。我并没能亲身感受到,到底我在中国有多少粉丝?我们在中国有多受欢迎,这很难讲。如果我们真的为中国观众做直播,到底多少人会真的去看我们?

18:11 Reynad: Something I've considered a lot before I came here, after I looked at the ZhanqiTV and Douyu, all those websites. It makes sense to stream for both, as long as I can figure out how to do it with the software, cause I’ve been told this before... Like as all the tournaments were happening, I kept asking them to help us to stream on Twitch instead of just on Zhanqi if it was. So I think it makes sense to do the other way around, like we do personal streams to stream on the Chinese services as well. I just have to look into the logistics like figuring out how to actually do it.

Reynad: 这是我来之前投入过很多思考的问题。我也看过了战旗和斗鱼这些网站。我很自然的会想,要不要也在他们那直播,假设软件方面我能实现的话。我之前就被告知过……在中国打比赛的同时,我持续地请求中方帮助我们在Twitch直播,而不是只在战旗。我觉得这是值得考虑的问题。给中国平台做个人直播,是可以考虑的,只要我想到实现的办法。

18:48 Monk: Last question, can you say a few words to Chinese fans?

Monk: 最后你们能对中国粉丝说点什么吗?

18:51 Reynad: Thank you for watching us while we are here. Thank you for inviting us to the NEL league, as an very unique experience. And we met a lot of fans, at Hangzhou and the LAN, yeah just kinda at least for me having a lot of people and viewers when we are in the scene so. Thank you for your support.

Reynad: 感谢你们观看我们,感谢NEL邀请我们,这是一段很特别的经历。我们在杭州和上海都见到了很多粉丝,能拥有你们我表示感激。谢谢你们的支持。

19:19 Gaara: I want to thank everyone who watched us and were rooting for us, especially from China, because it's like completely different fanbase, thanks to everyone for supporting us.

Gaara: 我想感谢所有观看我们比赛的粉丝,所有支持我们的观众,特别是中国的观众,因为你们是我们特殊的粉丝。谢谢所有支持我们的朋友。

19:42 Hyped: Yeah I'd just like to, I didn't know i have so many Chinese fans, I met some at the LAN, it was really cool to meet them, and I assume I had more of who are not at the LAN, so thank you for your support, also, I'd like to thank our sponsors G2A, FUNC, and Twitch. And NAMECHEAP.

Hyped: 我只想说,我并不知道我能有这么多中国的粉丝,我在上海遇见了一些,这是很棒的体验。我猜测还有很多没能来到现场的粉丝。谢谢你们的支持。此外我还想感谢我们的赞助商G2A,FUNC,Twitch。还有NAMECHEAP。

20:03 Woof.

Dog: 汪汪汪。

楼主 艾露恩格尔  发布于 2015-03-18 12:21:00 +0800 CST  
20:12 Monk: My bad they also have another question. Alright so, Blackrock Mountain is coming. The new expansion, and that will bring a lot of new cards, so basically two ways to change and balance the game, one way is new expansions and the other is with buffs and nerfs, which of the two do you guys prefer? And also I guess the second part of the question is, two cards are being looked at, cards that might be changing, Dr.Boom and BGH just what do you think about it? the necessity of changing.

Monk: 不好意思他们还有一个问题……黑石山的火焰即将来临,会有很多新卡。总体来说平衡游戏有两种手段,一种是新拓展包,一种是原有卡牌加强和削弱。你们觉得哪种好?还有一个问题,现在有两张卡被观察中,很可能有变化,砰砰博士和王牌猎人,你们怎么看?

20:59 Dog: I don't think buffs are necessary, because you can add new cards, it's basically buffs, nerfs is definitely necessary, but, as the new cards come out, certain synergies might become too strong, and they didn't count for, something, so yeah. As there for balancing, Dr.Boom and BGH... Boom is probably fine, just the RNG effect is really annoying, so maybe just they look to that... Who knows. And BGH, as more cards come out this card might become too strong and as i said they might change it a little bit. We will see. It gets nerfed a little bit, I can understand that. It is a little too strong for certain classes, classes without removal, I mean they are already strong enough.

Dog: 我不认为增强是必须的,因为当你添加新卡的时候,就是增强卡牌的过程。削弱是有必要的,当新机制出台,某些卡牌的连击可能会变得特别强大,这不是设计师想要的。至于那两张牌,砰砰博士其实还好,主要是它随机效果非常烦人,也许他们会从这方面去改动……王牌猎人随着更多的7攻随从出台,它可能有点过强了,可能会小幅改动一点。等着瞧吧,如果王牌被削弱了,我完全理解。王牌对某些没硬解的职业来说非常厉害,某些没有硬解的职业已经够强啦。

21:41 Hyped: Yeah I’m not too much of a fan of buffs and nerfs. Just new cards, it's another kind of thing. These cards Dr.Boom and BGH I really dislike both cards, because it's too much of the emphasis on just draw, so if one opponent has Dr.Boom on turn 7, it's just an advantage for them, and it's too much of advantage, just on turn 7, it's too early, effects the game too much, just for having it, player shouldn't be really rewarded too much for just having the cards, they should be rewarded for choices, some for more choices and less for just having the cards.

Hyped: 对于增强和削弱我都不太喜欢,新卡才是正途。而王牌和砰砰我都非常讨厌,因为他们都太强调一点:在关键的回合神抽到他们会让局势走向天差地别。例如T7的时候摸到砰砰是非常大的优势,而这优势我认为有点大到过分了。单单一张牌,在需要抽到的时候被抽到,居然影响游戏局势这么早这么多,我认为不好。选手优秀的解法选择才应当被鼓励,而非这种在关键回合拥有关键牌的模式。希望能更多的奖励选手做出优秀的选择,而非抽取关键卡。

22:17 Gaara: I think both ways to balance the game are fine, like buffing and nerfing cards for example, if you buff buzzard again, to like at least 3-mana card or something, i would have nothing against it because I love to play hunter. Aand I prefer obviously for expansions, because it's more fun to play new cards, if you play the same cards over and over again it gets boring afterwards. Nerfing cards is super important , because if you have cards like Nate Pagle at the begining of the game, or Tinkmaster or Dr.Boom now. Dr.Boom is too strong, mostly it's too annoying, like because of the RNG factor, it's unpredictable, like where the bomb’s gonna hit, so you can't really play around that. That's it.

Gaara: 我认为两种方式去平衡游戏都可以接受。就拿增强削弱来说,如果暴雪再加强一下秃鹫,把秃鹫变成个三费生物之类的,我绝对不会有意见,因为我是猎爹爱好者。要说我更喜欢哪种,那毫无疑问是扩展包了。有新卡这游戏才更有趣啊,如果你总是玩同样的卡牌一遍一遍又一遍,这个游戏就不再好玩了。对卡牌的削弱是很重要的,因为有像纳特帕格这种在游戏初期强的离谱的卡,还有曾经的大工匠和砰砰。砰砰又强又恶心,因为它的随机因素导致它的结果无法被预测,你无法推断炸弹会炸到谁,这是很烦人的,因为你没法针对这个动作作出有效的反制或规避手段。

23:19 Reynad: I think I prefer it like everyone else does, because everyone loves expansion.

Reynad: 我赞成大家的意见,更喜欢新的扩展包。

楼主 艾露恩格尔  发布于 2015-03-18 12:21:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 艾露恩格尔  发布于 2015-03-18 12:22:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2015-03-18 20:19:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2016-03-06 16:15:42 +0800 CST


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