
作者: Lt. Jurrien S. Noot, Royal Netherlands Navy

作者介绍:Lt. Noot entered the navy in 1966 and was commissioned as a lieutenant j.g. in 1968, and spent some time serving on board Hr.Ms. Karel Doorman. After that, he was posted to the Ministry of Defence in The Hague as research analyst, in which capacity he is still employed. His main hobby is the study of naval ships since the introduction of steam, and over the years has collected a vast amount of books and other material on the subject. He joined our organization 6 years ago, but has been fortunate in taking over from a deceased person an almost complete collection of all the W.I. issues that have appeared since it was first published. He is also a member of the World Ship Society.

Authors note:

The information presented in the article is not intended as a full design history in narrative form of the battlecruisers once proposed to be constructed for the Royal Netherlands Navy. This would not be possible anyway because only fragmentary records appear to remain. Rather, I have tried to present the basic information found in the files of the Naval Historical Division of the Naval Staff in The Hague in an orderly form to give some understanding of the characteristics of the various designs that evolved, and to publish all the more pertinent drawings that were produced.
这篇文章展示的资训,并不是一个,关于荷兰皇家海军曾经计划建造的战列巡洋舰,的一个详细的设计史。由于现在只找到零碎的资料,为该战列巡洋舰写一详细的设计史是不可能的。因此我会尽力有条理的表达,在海牙的Naval Historical Division of the Naval Staff 中的档案的基本资讯,及展示所有的设计图。

Due to the fact that my research had to be limited to the files of the Naval Historical Division, it is quite possible that the article does not give a complete presentation of the facts. Any person who is in possession of additional information from original records is invited to comment. I am thinking of those who may have access to the German World War II files that may contain some original data on these ships, since at the outbreak of war in May 1940, all Dutch records seem to have been requisitioned by the Germans. There is no way of knowing at present if any material was ever returned.

由于我只能在Naval Historical Division的挡案中寻找资料,因此本文可能未能展示所有的事实。欢迎任何有额外第一手资料的人士和我联络。由于战争在1940年5月爆发后,德国方面取走了所有荷兰文件,因此我认为有资格接触二战德国文件的人士,有可能掌握部分关于这些舰的第一手资料。

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-09 00:15:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-09 00:17:00 +0800 CST  

In 1938 A COMMITTEE consisting of high ranking naval officers was appointed to investigate various possibilities of strengthening the naval forces of the Netherlands. The main conclusion of this investigation was that the Royal Netherlands Navy would have to be strengthened in such a way that any aggressor would be forced to use such a large part of his military potential that there would be an unacceptable weakening of his capabilities in other theatres.


Within the context of this investigation, Mr. J.J.C. van Dijk, the Minister of Defence, instructed the Navy Department on 18 February 1939 to work out a plan for the construction of a heavy naval unit. This instruction was the result of a note from the Chief of Naval Staff (a copy of which has not been found) in which the construction of such a vessel had been proposed, along with the construction of a third light cruiser. However, the Minister of Defence would not allow this third light cruiser to be incorporated into the program, and stated that any proposals made would have to be within the context of the naval program currently planned. It was to be considered what possible savings could be made on the basis of either a reduction of the calibre of the main armament or a reduction in the number of guns carried. Cost estimates were to be provided for the construction of 2 or 3 battlecruisers, including an analysis of the personnel consequences, and it was to be investigated if the ships could be constructed in Dutch shipyards.

国防部长Mr. J.J.C. van Dijk基于上述的研究,于1938年2月18日要求海军制定一建造大型舰艇的计划。是Chief of Naval Staff 的给国防部长的一便条(现已找不到該便条的副本),才使国防部长下达该命令。该便条指出除了要建造一「大型舰艇」外,还要建造第3个级别的轻巡,建造第3个级别的轻巡的提议没有被采纳。为了节约成本,设计部门被要求减少该「大型舰艇」的主炮口径,或主炮数量。提供的预算预计可以建造2-3艘战列巡洋舰,其中包括了一个 personnel consequences的分析,并且要求研究是否可以在荷兰船厂建造这些战列巡洋舰。
我看不懂the construction of a third light cruiser这句话。荷兰第3艘现代轻巡De Ruyter德鲁伊特已于1936年完工。a third light cruiser应该是指新一级,即继Java爪哇级、De Ruyter德鲁伊特级,之后的第3级轻巡。

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-09 16:49:00 +0800 CST  



楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-09 17:06:00 +0800 CST  
Staff requirements

The Navy Staff requirements for the proposed battlecruisers had been defined on 17 February 1939 as follows:

The basic design requirements were formulated again on 21 February 1939 in a letter by the Chief of Naval Staff (copy not found), and on 22 February 1939 orally passed to the Naval Construction Department. It was estimated that the length of the ship would be about 240 meters, the beam about 29 meters and the draft about 7.50 meters, and that it need 180.000 SHP divided over 4 shafts.

在1939年2月21日 Chief of Naval Staff 的一封信中(找不到該信的副本),战列巡洋舰的基本设计要求被进一步细化,並且內容于次日被以口头型式指示给Naval Construction Department海军建造部门。該战列巡洋舰约长240米、宽29米、吃水7.5米,并且需要18万马力,4轴推进。

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-09 22:20:00 +0800 CST  
The Construction Department worked out a preliminary design on the basis of these requirements, which was completed on 11 July 1939.

note:Exact particulars of this preliminary design are not clear. According to one description this would have been a two-funneled ship, but the surviving drawing of 11 July 1939 shows a one funneled ship.

However, it is apparent that the Dutch naval constructors had little knowledge of the technical developments that had taken place in capital ship design subsequent to the First World War, particularly with regard to protection. Although the preliminary design featured a good horizontal protection (consisting of a 125 mm main armored deck with a 15 mm deck on top), the general arrangement and the distribution of armor resulted in a capital ship design dating 20 to 25 years back. In fact, it appears that the only useful reference material available consisted of open source literature and Janes Fighting Ships. It was clear that technical assistance from abroad was imperative in order to produce a suitable up-to-date design.


楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-10 13:20:00 +0800 CST  
Although there was some hope that the French would release drawings of their Dunkerque Class battlecruisers, the Dutch authorities felt that it would be best to concentrate efforts to obtain foreign assistance to Germany, at least for the time being. So it happened that the first informal discussions with German authorities regarding the battlecruiser project occurred on 24 and 25 April 1939 in Berlin. The Dutch delegation stated that they were interested in the release of a complete German design of a Gneisenau type vessel, in return for which the necessary equipment would be ordered from Germany. It was also proposed that Dr. Techel of the Ingenieurskantoor voor Scheepsbouw (I.v.S.) would act as a trait dunion between the Dutch and German technicians. Although the Germans appeared to be genuinely interested in the project, they wanted guarantees that orders in Germany would actually take place if construction was to proceed, and that Germany would receive financial compensation in case the ships were not built. However, the release of the plans of the Gneisenau would be out of the question. The initial German reluctance can be attributed in part to the fact that so far the project was just that, while during the summer of 1939, the Dutch Cabinet was not convened so no political decisions of great magnitude could be taken.

尽管法国方面有可能将敦刻尔克级战列舰的图纸交给荷兰,但荷兰认为就当时的局势,向德国寻求技术是一更好的选择。荷兰方面于1939年4月24,25日,在柏林和德国方面进行了一关于战列巡洋舰计划的非正式会谈。荷兰希望能得到 沙恩霍斯特级的全套图纸,作为回报荷兰会从德国进口必需的造舰设备(材料)。此外,荷方也提出 Ingenieurskantoor voor Scheepsbouw (I.v.S.)的Techel博士作为荷德两边技术人士的 trait dunion。尽管德方对该计划表现出浓厚的兴趣,但他们希望荷方承诺会从德国进口设备,并而若造舰计划取消,德国会得到赔偿,但德方也表示不可能将沙恩霍斯特级的全套图纸交给荷兰。德方的态度是可以理解的,荷兰的战列巡洋舰计划刚开展不久,加上荷兰的内阁会议尚未召开,荷兰的战巡计划未得到政府通过,计划有可能被取消。

In the meantime, a contact had been established with the German firm Ferrostaal A.G. Essen, and on 15 May 1939, a detailed listing of equipment to be ordered in Germany was submitted as follows:
与此同时,荷方和德国公司Ferrostaal A.G. Essen进行了沟通,并且得到一关于从德国进口设备(材料)的详细清单,详情如下。

During talks held in Bremen (13 July 1939) and in Berlin (31 July 1939), the Germans promised to release a design study that would incorporate their ideas on battlecruiser construction. This design study was submitted to the Royal Netherlands Navy on 21 August 1939, and showed various possible schemes of protection.


The German Admiral Bartenbach, who had been appointed as liaison between the Royal Netherlands and German Navies, stated on 4 October 1939 that although the delivery dates of the equipment to be ordered in Germany could not be guaranteed, they would not be interfered with by orders from the German Navy from the same firms and pressure would be put on them to meet the required dates. On 10 November 1939, Ferrostaal AG Essen was formally appointed to act on behalf of the Royal Netherlands Navy for all technical assistance and all equipment to be obtained from Germany. This arrangement did not include the Krupp armaments firm; all these contact would be dealt with directly between the Royal Netherlands Navy and Krupp.

被委任作为荷兰皇家海军和德国海军中间人的德国Bartenbach海军上将,于1939年10月4日表示,尽管无法确定进口的设备(材料)的到货日期,但设备(材料)的到货日期,不会因厂家们要满足德国海军的需求所影响,厂家们也会被施加压力,确保设备(材料)按时运抵荷兰。Ferrostaal AG Essen于1939年10月10日,正式为荷兰皇家海军处理,和从德国获取技术援助和设备(材料)所有相关事项。但該安排不包括克虏伯公司,荷兰皇家海军会和克虏伯公司直接商议两者之间的事项。

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-10 20:31:00 +0800 CST  
接下來介绍进一步细化的设计指标,分为Propulsion plant动力装置和Armament武器两个部分,另有Estimated unit cost预计单位造价部分。

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-10 21:37:00 +0800 CST  
Propulsion plant

The Royal Netherlands Navy formulated by late August 1939 the design requirements for the propulsion plant as follows:
Propulsionpower: 180.000 SHP
Eightboiler rooms, the boilers operating at 44 kg/cm2 and 400o C.
Foursets of geared turbines.
Fromaft to forward the basic distribution was to be as follows(compartments separated by a central longitudinal bulkhead):2sets of geared turbines、4boiler rooms、2sets of geared turbines、4boiler rooms
8个锅炉,锅炉在44kg/cm2 和 400o C下运作。

Byearly October 1939, the requirements had been refined somewhat andincluded a fully independent set of turbines (consisting of turbinesfor full speed, economical speed and reverse each) for each of thefour shafts. Output per shaft was to be 45,000 SHP, providing 34 kts.speed at about 270 shaft RPM with a propeller diameter of about 4.75meters. Boiler working pressure would be 40-42 kg/cm2 with atleast 35-40 kg/cm2 at the turbines; boiler temperature remainedat 400o C and coolant water temperature was to be 30o C.

到了1939年10月,性能指标被进一步完善,要求每个推进轴要有独立的涡轮机(分别用于全速、经济巡航和倒车)。每个推进轴要有45000马力,以达到34节航速。锅炉运作压力为40-42 kg/cm2 , 涡轮机压力要至少达到35-40 kg/cm2。锅炉温度为400o C ,冷却水温度为 30o C。

Basedon these requirements both the Royal Netherlands Navy/NEVESBU, andKrupp Germaniawerft (turbines) and Deschimag (boilers) started workon a series of preliminary designs for the propulsion plant.
荷兰皇家海军/NEVESBU 和Krupp Germaniawerft (涡轮机)及Deschimag (锅炉)基于上述要求,提出一系列动力装置的设计草案。

(Layout of Machinery Spaces of German 1939 design (reflecting Dutch requirements))
(Cross-section of the German 1939 design (I))

(Cross-section of the German 1939 design (II))

However, from the beginning it was clear that in principle it was intended to construct the plant in the Netherlands. The results of the various German proposals were incorporated in various design studies drawn up by I.v.S., while the Dutch were incorporated in the Project 1047 design series.
The first results of the German design studies were submitted in early December 1939, and a variety of proposals were considered none of them being acceptable. By early February 1940 the proposed plants compared as follows:
德国首批设计于1939年12月初提交给荷兰海军。其中 多个方案曾被荷方认真审核,但最后都没被采纳。下为1940年2月初的方案比较。

From this table it is apparent that the Germans had designed a much more compact plant than the Dutch, but one of the main problems was that the Dutch feared that the German plant would be located in too restricted an area and might not operate flawlessly. A major problem was that no more than about 72.80 meters of ships length could be made available which led to an impasse, since the I.v.S.-design needed 74 meters and the Dutch 78 meters.


By early March 1940 the requirements for the propulsion plant were reconsidered, and the question was raised if 160.000 SHP would be sufficient. By mid-April 1940 the requirements were listed as follows:

由于理论上一设计在热带水域输出 18万马力的动力部,在北海能输出20万马力,使舰的航速达到34.8节。因此动力部马力要求被下调。

Dutch estimates by early March 1940 provided for a total length of the propulsion plant complex as follows:

The central longitudinal bulkhead originally required had by this time been abandoned as a result of the visit to Italy.

On 20 April 1940 (drawing X 1c) the requirements had again been changed so far as required length was concerned.
荷兰人在1940年4月20日对(设计图 X 1c)动力部总长度再度作出调整,下为新的估算结果:

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-11 13:28:00 +0800 CST  

The basic requirements for the armament were discussed by representatives of the Royal Netherlands Navy and Krupp at Essen on 31 July 1939. The required characteristics at that time were as follows:

Fire control arrangements were discussed with the Dutch firm NV Hazemeyer Signaal Apparatenfabriek on 6 November 1939, and it appears that the following provisions were to be made.

荷兰皇家海军于1939年11月6日和荷兰公司NV Hazemeyer Signaal Apparatenfabriek讨论了武器火控系统的要求。详情如下:

(1) 28cm battery
(a) one main fire control position forward (director control tower).
(b) one reserve fire control position aft (director control tower).
(c) one fire control position each in the superimposed forward turret and in the aft turret.
(d) Main and reserve fire control positions were to be fully identical with a 9 meter optical base with target and laying centers co-located in a turntable platform protected by an armored cupola; both would have an independent computing center.
(2)12cm battery
Two fire control positions with a 3 meter optical base with target information and gun laying enters combined in a platform protected by an armored cupola.
(3)40mm battery
To be controlled autonomously from the gun positions.

1. 28cm火炮

3.40mm 火炮

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-11 22:50:00 +0800 CST  
Estimated unit cost
According to the preliminary cost estimates (undated) unit cost was assessed to be as follows (prices in DFL):

This cost estimate was of course preliminary and in the Naval Plan 1940-45 the total cost for three vessels was judged to be DFL 213,000,000. Payment was to be spread out as follows:

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-12 10:46:00 +0800 CST  
Detailed design work

The Construction Department (in collaboration with NEVESBU and the I.v.S.) started on detailed design work, based on the technical information obtained from German sources. The NEVESBU design series number was Project 1047, while I.v.S. called it Project 323. Project 1047 designs were fitted with Werkspoor/Yarrow propulsion plant while the I.v.S. Project 323 designs had the Deschimag/Germaniawerft propulsion plant. Detailed specifications of the various designs produced are listed under their separate headings.
建造部门(NEVESBU和I.v.S)基于德方提供的技术资料, 开始了详细的设计工作。NEVESBU的代号是1047工程,I.v.S的代号是323工程。1047工程使用Werkspoor/Yarrow的动力装置,I.v.S的323工程则使用了Deschimag/Germaniawerft的动力装置。接着介绍个方案时,都将以1047工程或323工程称呼,一定要注意。

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-12 11:38:00 +0800 CST  
I.v.S. Design activities

The I.v.S. independently started on design work for the battlecruisers based on information supplied by German firms and authorities, and taking into account the requirements formulated by the Royal Netherlands Navy. The first detailed design specifications, given in Table 3, were submitted for discussion with the Royal Netherlands Navy during mid-November 1939. These specifications are assumed to embody weight calculations from German sources but no specific record indicating this has been found.

The I.v.S. subsequently started on detailed hull design work, in which the last body plan produced dated 11 March 1940 showed the following characteristics.

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-12 15:55:00 +0800 CST  
Design Work of the Royal Netherlands Navy
Although in autumn 1939 design work was well underway, and cooperation with Germany seemed reasonably assured, some reluctance on their part was still in evidence. Accordingly, Admiral Vos (Chief of the Materiel Department of the Navy) recommended strongly in a letter on 6 December 1939 to the new Navy Minister that the plans for the construction of the battlecruisers be brought before Parliament before Christmas 1939. However, the Navy Minister had not yet made up his mind as to exactly what type of vessel needed to be constructed. He apparently favored a 16.000 ton ship of the armored cruiser type. During December 1939, the Naval Construction Department considered the possibilities of such a ship and came to the comparison presented in Table 5
尽管到了1939年秋季设计工作进展顺利,和德国的合作也没有问题,但荷方内部对战巡计划仍有反对声音。Vos 海军上将(Chief of the Materiel Department of the Navy)在1939年12月6日的一封给海军部长的信中,强烈建议在12月圣诞节之前举行的议会会议之前,完成战巡的建造图纸。但海军部长仍未決定該建造何种舰艇。他更喜欢16000吨级别的装甲巡洋舰。海军建造部门于1939年12月进行了该种舰的可行性研究,详情如下:

It was noted that if the armor protection proposed for the 27.000 ton project were to be worked into a 16.000 design, no armament could be fitted. Also, it was considered that the plans for the former could be completed in 5 to 5,5 months, while if the Navy had to revert to a 16.000 ton design, a delay of 6 months was expected. A memorandum was drawn up on 11 December 1939 in which it was stated that on a 16.000 ton displacement, a design could be prepared with characteristics shown in Table 6.

It was appreciated that this vessel would be superior to a 20cm 10.000 ton cruiser, but had the important weakness that it could not avoid action with stronger opponents due to inferior speed. The protection also was felt to be insufficient. Consequently, the Navy strongly recommended against the construction of such a ship and nothing more was heard about the project.

该舰对 1万吨级装备20cm炮的巡洋舰将占有优势,但由于航速慢的缺陷她将无法逃离比自己强大的敌人,防护也不足。因此海军强烈反对建造这种舰艇,16000吨项目也不再被发展。

In the meantime the German firms Deschimag and Germaniawerft started on detailed design work for the battlecruisers propulsion plant. It is clear from the files that great problems were encountered in putting the required power into a ship of this size and still have a balanced design. Although the Germans succeeded rather better than the Dutch in limiting the area needed as much as possible, the Netherlands Navy remained to the end sceptical about using the rather complicated German plant. The Dutch feared that they would not have the necessary highly qualified personnel and overhaul capabilities available in the Netherlands East Indies if something went wrong with the plant. Therefore, they continued to prefer their own licensed built Werkspoor (Yarrow) boilers and Parsons turbines.
与此同时,德国公司Deschimag和Germaniawerft开始战巡动力不的详细设计工作。荷德双方的设计师都遇到将所要求的动力安排进舰体的同时,仍要保证性能平衡的困难。荷兰人拒绝采用复杂的德国动力装置。尽管德国设计师通过这样做最大程度地压缩动力装置面积,减少设计困难。荷兰人担心荷属东印度没有所需的技术人员和维修设备,去处理德国动力系统的故障。因此他们堅持采用自产的Werkspoor (Yarrow)锅炉和Parsons轮机。

An undated tentative delivery schedule of about late 1939 was as follows:

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-12 22:30:00 +0800 CST  
During the fall of 1939, the Naval Construction Department, in collaboration with NEVESBU (and probably with the technical advise of the I.v.S.) worked out the detailed design specifications shown in Table 7.

The 3 variants were developed to determine the most favourable dimensions and form coefficients. Variant B subsequently was selected to undergo towing trials at the towing tank at Wageningen (see below) and apparently was sused as a basis for all further work.

Internal Arrangements

Accommodation of the propulsion plant was one of the main problems to be solved in the design, as has been seen above. Initially, about 84 meters ships length were assumed to be available, but it soon became apparent that this would not do if the ammunition supply was to be stored behind armor. During the succeeding months, after various schemes had been proposed, it was theoretically decided in March 1940, to fix the citadel length as follows:
在前面已经提到,为动力系统安排空间是该项目要解决的其中一个主要问题。一开始人们估计大约有84m舰长用以安排动力系统,但很快便发现若弹药要得到装甲保护,空间将少于84m。人们在之后的数月研究多个方案后,终于在1940年3月决定了以下核心区长动数据 :

Even this arrangement was not considered final because it was still not possible to provide sufficient protection to the ammunition storage. It is not apparent from the record if this problem was ever satisfactorily solved.

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-13 17:37:00 +0800 CST  
Model Trials

During February 1940 (or perhaps already at a much earlier date) model trials were held with the Variant B of the Naval Construction Department Design 1047 at Wageningen. Apparently, two models were tested: a Model No. 367 with a normal bow, and a Model No. 367A fitted with a bulbous bow. The characteristics of the ships representing the models would have been as follows according to the trial result report of 19 February 1940.
海军1047工程的B舰体于1940年2月(或许早很多)在 Wageningen进行了模型试验。有两个模型,即普通舰首的367号,和球鼻艏的367A号被进行侧试。根据1940年2月19日的试验报告,两个模型代表的舰体数据如下:

It appears that the bulbous bow variant was considered the more satisfactory of the two, since the characteristics of Project 1047 as listed on Drawing Z-6 of 9 February 1940 reflect those measurements.
基于1940年2月9日的设计图Z-6的数据 ,可以推断两个设计中球鼻艏舰体被认为更加优秀。

New weight calculations

During the period November 1939 through February 1940 some detailed work was done on the weight problem. A number of weight summaries were produced, unfortunately all undated. They are summarized below:

No detailed specifications for (ii) have been found. They do exist for (i) and it is assumed that (i) is the latter of the two, possibly giving the state of affairs as of about February 1940.

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-13 17:39:00 +0800 CST  
之后就是First Finalized Design,第一个定案(也是最后的定案)。

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-13 19:10:00 +0800 CST  
First Finalized Design
Probably as a result of the model test findings and other considerations (which unfortunately can no longer be exactly reconstructed due to the lack of reference material) Project 1047 came to some finalization by February 1940. At the least, a large number of detailed drawings were produced during this time, giving the particulars shown in Table 9.

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-14 10:53:00 +0800 CST  
Further activities

During February 1940, apparently for the first time since the preliminary design had been drawn up in July 1939, serious attention was given to the idea of placing the side armor externally rather than internally (Table 9 still reflects internal side armor). So far, the detailed design drawings that can be located all gave the main belt in an internal position. However, according to a note dated 23 February 1940, the design drawing on this matter with external side armor was completed on that date. The final decision in this matter was postponed to study the outcome of a visit to Italy and the results of further talks with the Germans during February through April 1940.


Factfinding mission to Italy

The Dutch delegation visited the battleship Vitterio Veneto but were not allowed on board the Roma which was still under construction. The important result of this visit was that it was felt necessary to completely redesign the inner subdivision of Project 1047. The findings of the visit to Italy and further consultation with the Germans were discussed in project meetings during March and April 1940 in Holland, representatives of the Naval Construction Department and of the I.v.S. taking part. Unfortunately, only shorth and pencil notes appear to survive from these meetings, which can no longer be fully interpreted. However, the following points were noted:

荷兰考察队參观了Vittorio Veneto“维托里奥·韦内托号战列舰,但没被允许參观在建的Roma罗马号战列舰。该考察的主要结果是1047工程的内部分区被认为要重新设计。1940年3月至4月的项目会议,讨论了意大利的考察及,和德国人的讨论得来的经验。遗憾的是,关于这些项目会议只有很简短的笔记保存到现在。尽管不可被全面解读,但当中提到以下要点。

(a) The central longitudinal bulkhead between the engine rooms was to be eliminated.
(b) The Italian suggestion to heighten the double bottom was considered very valid especially with regard to the expected threat of future magnetic torpedoes and some thought was given to the possibility of adding a second double bottom at 3 meters from the baseline (keel) with 25mm armor. However, it was found that the relatively shallow draft of the vessel would not permit this.


It was then decided to send a mission to Germany to talk over the problems again. This delegation took the design particulars, given in Table 10, dated 19 April 1940 along, which appears to represent the last design stage reached before the outbreak of war.


(Machinery:See chapter Propulsion plant =16万马力、航速北海34节,热带33节))

Note: On 8 april 1940 a variant midship section also had been produced (Drawing Z-15) which included an internal side belt and showed the following differences with the data listed in Table 10.

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-15 00:06:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 kentwong4a28  发布于 2016-03-15 00:06:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-03-09 08:15:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-09-11 22:29:57 +0800 CST


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