

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-02 10:16:00 +0800 CST  



楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-02 10:18:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-02 10:19:00 +0800 CST  
第1装甲师:四号坦克95辆 黑豹坦克76辆 指挥坦克7辆 喷火坦克7辆
第25装甲师:四号坦克93辆 指挥坦克8辆 第509重坦克营的虎式25辆(不过只有14辆虎式能用)
帝国师:四号坦克22辆 三号坦克6辆 虎式坦克10辆
希特勒师:四号坦克95辆 黑豹坦克96辆 指挥坦克9辆 虎式坦克27辆

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-02 22:36:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-02 22:40:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-02 22:49:00 +0800 CST  

于是以第1装甲掷弹兵团为主的那个战斗群开始向西北迂回布鲁西洛夫,至22日终于杀到布鲁西洛夫西北的奥泽尔雅尼,但再次被苏军炮火挡住。于是该部又被调回布鲁西洛夫南面的索洛夫耶夫卡,支援正在这里进攻雅斯特雷本卡的第 2装甲掷弹兵团战斗群。两个战斗群花了足足一天时间,经过激烈的逐屋巷战才夺下这个布鲁西洛夫正东面的重镇。在希特勒师受挫的同时,德军的两翼却进展顺利,21日帝国师调到了拉多梅什利东南的施塔为谢,和第7装甲师一起组建了曼陀菲尔集群。该集群在23日至25日攻势凌厉,消灭众多苏军。第1装甲师沿日托米尔-基辅公路推进,切入布鲁西洛夫以东苏军的侧后,第19装甲师也在南面进展顺利(主要是因为苏军把主力都收缩到布鲁西洛夫和德军死战,所以其他地域空虚)。不过这两个装甲师并没有按巴尔克的要求夜袭包围苏军而是向平常一样在夜间修整。于是巴尔克强令两个师长继续进攻。而后梅林津在他的回忆录里开始吹水,称在21日晚就包围了苏军,打死苏军3000余人,缴获153辆坦克、70门火炮和250门反坦克炮(我只想说到德军开始反击时近坦3集就150辆坦克而已么,德军战技高超不击毁只俘虏),并说苏军只把骨干送出去而把大量士兵留在包围圈听天由命。不过事实是,第1装甲师到了23日才夺取布鲁西洛夫东北的十多公里的维索科耶并南下。当日夜第113装甲掷弹兵团经过突袭才攻克斯德威希,随后在向南追击时才与第19装甲师的侦察营相遇,勉强孤立了苏军。不过被孤立(此时尚不能称包围)的苏军数量相当多,因此这两个装甲师并没有办法堵死苏军,苏军随后迅速突围而走。而希特勒师则在23日攻克了布鲁西洛夫的杜布罗夫卡和拉萨洛夫卡,并在布鲁西洛夫以北和第一装甲师建立联系,并在24日肃清布鲁西洛夫。在清点时,德军得出的战果数字与梅林津基本相同,不过缴获变成了击毁+缴获。

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-03 11:57:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-03 11:58:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-03 17:34:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-03 17:38:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-03 17:45:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-06 21:17:00 +0800 CST  
By early November, Hoth’s PzAOK 4 hadestablished a perimeter around the
Lyutezh bridgehead with four badly-depletedinfantry divisions (68, 82, 208, 327)
from the XIII Armeekorps and the88.Infanterie-Division from VII Armeekorps.193
Nearby, in reserve, Hoth had positionedOberst Gottfried Frölich’s 8.Panzer-
Division, which was a sad indication ofwhat poor condition the Heer’s once-
mighty Panzer-Divisionen had been reducedto by three years of near-continuous
combat. Although Frölich’s division had apaper-strength of 13,665 troops on 1
November, he only had a total of 610infantrymen in his four Panzergrenadier-
Bataillonen and the pioniers,reconnaissance troops and Panzerjägers added
another 545 troops. His sole tankbattalion, I./Pz.Rgt.10, had 14 tanks, including
seven Pz IV with long 187.5px. The 8.Panzer-Division’s Panzerjägerswere
equipped with seven 187.5px Pak, two 125px Pak 38 and five 92.5px Pak 36, while
divisional artillery support consisted ofthree self-propelled Wespe (262.5px),
two 250px cannons, two 375px howitzers and nine 262.5px howitzers. On the plus
side, Frölich still had 64 SPWs and 828trucks, so his remaining troops were
fairly mobile. Frölich deployed KampfgruppeNeise (all the Panzergrenadiers)
and Kampfgruppe von Mitzlaff (I./Pz.Rgt.10,reconnaissance and one artillery
battalion) as tactical reserves for theXIII Armeekorps.194
At 0800 hours on 3 November,General-leytenant Kirill S. Moskalenko’s 38th
Army began a massive 40-minute artillerypreparation against the German infantry
positions around the southern side of theLyutezh bridgehead. Vatutin had also
moved the 7th Artillery Corps within rangeof the bridgehead, as well as
numerous Katyusha rocket batteries. TheGerman front-line infantry in this sector
were not expecting a major enemy assaultand had not built deep fieldworks in the
marshy ground near Lyutezh; consequently,the Soviet artillery bombardment
wreaked havoc. At 0840 hours, six Sovietrifle divisions surged forward,
supported by tanks from the 5 GTC. Sappersproceeded in front to remove enemy
mines. Although dazed, the German infantryput up a tough fight and limited the
initial Soviet push to a 3km advance.195 Frölich’s 8.Panzer-Divisionwas slow to
react and then managed only a few localcounter-attacks. As the 38th Army
committed its second-echelon forces,including additional armour, the German 68.
and 82.Infanterie-Divisionen began tocollapse, yielding another 4km.In an
unusual move, Rybalko’s 3 GTA (6 GTC, 7GTC, 9 MC) entered the battle at dusk
and continued to advance forward during thenight. On the second day of the
offensive, drizzling rain deprived bothsides of air support but also helped to
conceal the fact that the Red Army hadcommitted three tank and one mechanized
corps to the breakout operation. Poundedrelentlessly, the German XIII
Armeekorps collapsed and the Soviet 51stRifle Corps reached the outskirts of
Kiev by the evening of 4 November. While 5GTC followed Moskalenko’s 38th
Army into the city, Rybalko’s 3 GTA swungto the southeast to cut the enemy road
and rail links into the city. In order toconduct continuous operations, Rybalko
ordered his tanks to drive through thenight with headlights on, which enabled 7
GTC to cut the main road into Kiev before8. Panzer-Division could block them.
By 5 November the 88.Infanterie-Divisionwas virtually obliterated and the
8.Panzer-Division had been shoved rudelyaside by Rybalko’s armoured mass.
Hoth quickly realized that defending Kievwas now a hopeless task and focused
instead upon saving the rail station atFastov, where the 25.Panzer-Division was
just arriving. He deployed the7.Panzer-Division to block the 6 GTC, but it
arrived too late and the Soviet tankersoccupied the station. During the early
morning hours of 6 November, a motorizedinfantry company fought its way to the
centre of Kiev and raised the Red flag.Once the Germans realized that Soviet
units were in the centre of the city theybrusquely retreated to the south. Vatutin’s
use of Rybalko’s 3 GTA to liberate Kievdemonstrated a vast advance in the Red
Army’s practice of mechanized warfare andvon Manstein was left chagrined at
his failure to anticipate enemy actions.The fall of Kiev was the culmination of the
Soviet Lower Dnepr offensive, which hadseen Hitler’s plan to transform the
Dnepr River into an impregnable bulwarkcompletely frustrated. In the process,
Heeresgruppe Süd had suffered cripplinglosses, amounting to about 170,000
personnel (including over 48,000 dead ormissing) and over 500 tanks.
Furthermore, only 44 per cent of Germantanks on the Eastern Front – about 600
vehicles – were still operational.196Nevertheless, this Soviet operational triumph
did not come cheap, costing the Red Army atleast 450,000 casualties and 1,800

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-06 21:27:00 +0800 CST  
German counter-attacks near Kiev, 7November-24
December 1943
Hitler was furious that Hoth had lost Kievand he decided to replace him with
General der Panzertruppe Erhard Raus. VonManstein was also rapidly falling out
of favour, but he argued with Hitler thatit might be possible to conduct another
‘BackhandBlow’ counter-offensive against Rybalko’s 3 GTA and retake Kiev. It
was true that strong armouredreinforcements were arriving on the Eastern Front,
including the refitted 1.Panzer-Divisionand the LSSAH (now redesignated as a
Panzer-Division), which were very powerfulformations, each equipped with one
battalion of Panthers and one of Pz IVs. Inaddition, the newly-formed 25.Panzer-
Division was arriving from Norway and thenew s.Pz. Abt.509 from Germany
with more Tigers. These formations were allat full-strength and totalled 558
tanks, including 172 Panthers and 72 Tigers.Von Manstein also received Das
Reich, which still had 33 tanks, includingfive Tigers. He decided to mass this
incoming armour at Bila Tserkva andBerdichev under the control of XXXXVIII
Panzerkorps and make a coordinated strikeagainst Rybalko’s left flank at Fastov.
Always eager to approve offensives thatmight restore the situation, Hitler quickly
agreed to von Manstein’s recommendations.On the other hand, Hitler had issued
Führer Directive 51 on the same day as thebeginning of the Soviet breakout from
the Lyutezh bridgehead; this edict shiftedpriority of replacements to the West in
anticipation of an Allied amphibiousinvasion of France in 1944, which meant
that von Manstein could not expectsignificant reinforcements beyond what was
already en route.197
Von Clausewitz, the Prussian militarywriter, spoke of ‘friction’ in war – an
often indiscernible sequence of smallevents and factors that can gradually
undermine an operational plan. It was thisfriction – some of which was self-
inflicted – which caused von Manstein’ssecond attempted ‘Backhand Blow’ to
fail. First, both Hitler and the OKHdisrupted planning by shuffling commanders
around, seemingly at random. General derPanzertruppen Heinrich Eberbach,
commander of the XXXXVIII Panzerkorps, wasreplaced at the last moment by
General der Panzertruppen Hermann Balck,who had been sent to command a
corps at Salerno for a month then returnedto the Eastern Front.* Second, Soviet
partisans disrupted German rail trafficwest of Fastov and many inbound units
were arriving piecemeal and often unloadedat different rail stations, which
seriously disrupted preparations to employthem in a coherent manner. Finally,
enemy actions did not stop and PzAOK 4’s left flank had virtually fallen apart,
allowing the Soviets to advance towardZhitomir and Korosten. Ideally, von
Manstein would have waited until all hisunits were fully assembled and
prepared, but Vatutin was not going to givehim that time. Now, von Manstein was
forced to conduct a major armouredcounter-attack in the manner that the Red
Army had employed in 1941 – with sloppystaff work, poor logistics and units
committed as they arrived. The decision tobegin a major counter-attack during a
rainy period when deep mud seriouslyhampered tactical mobility further
impaired German capabilities.
In order to prevent Ivanov’s 7 GTC fromover-running the German assembly
areas, Raus committed the Das Reich,Kampfgruppe von Wechmar from the
25.Panzer-Division and s.Pz.Abt.509 tolocal counter-attacks south of Fastov on
9–13 November. Although the Germans claimedto have knocked out over 30
Soviet tanks in several days of tankskirmishing, the results were disappointing. In
particular, s.Pz.Abt.509 lost seven Tigersdestroyed and only had 14 operational
by the time that von Manstein’scounter-offensive was supposed to begin.198 It
was also obvious during the lead-up to thecounter-offensive that the newly-
arrived 25.Panzer-Division was a ‘soft’unit that was not ready to be thrust into
heavy combat; most of its personnel hadbeen on occupation duty in Norway for
years and its original commander,Generalleutnant Adolf von Schell, had no
command experience and was in poor health.Guderian tried to stop him from
going East with the division but he wasoverruled by the OKH; within a week,
Schell was relieved of command. Indeed,Guderian tried to stop the entire
division from being sent East since hebelieved that it was not combat-ready. In
its first action, Kampfgruppe von Wechmarwas sent to retake Fastov but panicked
when attacked by T-34s and retreated indisorder, suffering heavy losses of men
and vehicles.199
An even worse development than Rybalko’sthreat to the German assembly
areas south of Fastov was that Vatutinachieved a major operational breakthrough
west of Kiev and he sent General-leytenantViktor K. Baranov’s 1st Guards
Cavalry Corps (1 GCC) as a mobile groupeast toward the main German supply
base at Zhitomir, followed byGeneral-leytenant Kirill S. Moskalenko’s 38th
Army. Moskalenko’s army included the 7thGuards Heavy Tank Regiment
equipped with 21 of the new KV-85 heavytanks, which were intended as a stop-
gap until the new IS-2 and T-34/85 tanksarrived in early 1944. Frölich’s
8.Panzer-Division tried to block theZhitomir-Kiev road, but they were forced to
retreat by Baranov’s cavalry, whose ownarmoured support greatly exceeded this
threadbare Panzer-Division.* On 13November, the 1 GCC and 23rd Rifle Corps
captured Zhitomir.200 The loss of Zhitomirwas near-catastrophic since it was a
vital rail junction and supply base;without it Heeresgruppe Süd’s line of
communications were reduced to single trackrail lines. Von Manstein and Raus
were forced to reorient theircounter-offensive from a classic pincer attack into
more of a head-on engagement to retake bothZhitomir and Fastov. Deploying the
LSSAH as a covering force near Brusilov toprevent interference from Rybalko’s
3 GTA, Raus sent the 1. and7.Panzer-Divisionen to converge upon the 1 GCC at
Zhitomir. Rybalko’s tanks sparred withLSSAH and repulsed an attempt to capture
Brusilov, but otherwise failed to supportthe isolated 1 GCC, so tanks and
Panzergrenadiers stormed Zhitomir on 20November.

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-06 21:30:00 +0800 CST  
The morning of 24 December was overcast andit was raining. At 0600 hours,
Moskalenko’s 38th Army began a 60-minuteartillery preparation against the
XXXXII Armeekorps, then attacked with tenrifle divisions supported by 200
tanks. The main Soviet effort struck theboundary between the 19. and 25.Panzer-
Divisionen and quickly gained ground.Generalmajor Hans Källner’s 19.Panzer-
Division had 16 operational tanks and eightself-propelled Panzerjagers, but only
a few hundred Panzergrenadiers, so it wasforced to fight a delaying action. The
25.Panzer-Division was considerablystronger, with 51 tanks and seven StuG IIIs,
but its left flank was soon exposed andKällner fell back.205 The same thing
happened to the 8.Panzer-Division, as itsright flank was exposed. By nightfall,
the centre of XXXXII Armeekorps wascollapsing under the hammer-blows of
infantry and tanks and its threePanzer-Divisionen had to keep fighting their way
out of encirclements. Once it was clearthat Moskalenko had achieved a tactical
breakthrough, Vatutin committed bothKatukov’s 1 TA and Rybalko’s 3 GTA to
exploit – the first time that two tankarmies had attacked simultaneously side-by-
side. Caught by surprise, Raus tried toadjust his forces, but the Soviet armour
moved much too quickly. By the third day ofthe Soviet offensive the XXXXII
Armeekorps was falling apart and Raus hadnothing to plug the gap. Raus focused
on massing 1.Panzer-Division and LSSAHaround Zhitomir, but Vatutin reoriented
his tanks southward instead of westward,flowing around German strongpoints.
By 30 December, the XXXXVIII Panzerkorpswas nearly encircled in Zhitomir
and PzAOK 4 had broken into three pieces,with large gaps in between. Raus
abandoned both Korosten and Zhitomir andtried to mass his remaining forces
around Berdichev. As the year ended,Vatutin had PzaOK 4 on the run and the
German front was in complete chaos.
German accounts of this period of the wartend to emphasize tactical victories,
where small numbers of German tanks knockedout much larger number of Soviet
tanks. While there is some truth in theseaccounts, they are generally silent about
German losses. These types of accounts alsotend to miss the main point, that
German armour was fighting delayingactions, not successful defensive
operations, while the much-maligned T-34swere generally accomplishing their
operational objectives. The fact is that bylate 1943 the Panzer-Divisionen could
no longer stop the Soviet ‘steamroller’,only delay it and increase the price of
victories. Each retreat cost the Germanslogistic resources that further degraded
their ability to maintain combat-effectivePanzer-Divisionen in the field and the
breaking point was fast approaching. It isalso important to note that the Panzer-
Divisionen lost their freedom of manoeuvrein late 1943, due to being
increasingly tied to the defence ofcritical sectors. Von Manstein no longer had a
masse de manoeuvre.
There is no doubt that victory did not comecheaply for Vatutin’s and Konev’s
fronts, which had suffered personnelcasualties that exceeded 1 million (including
290,000 dead or missing) duringJuly–December 1943, but they received a
similar number of replacements. In the sameperiod, the Red Army as a whole lost
about 12,000 tanks, but 10,162 new tankswere built and about 7,000 damaged
tanks repaired, which enabled the Sovietsto maintain a 3–1 or better armoured
numerical superiority over the Germans.206 In contrast, the Germans lost a total of
about 2,800 tanks and 850 assault guns inthe East during July–December 1943,
against 1,954 tanks and 1,328 assault gunsreceived as replacements or
reinforcements.207 Indeed, only 60 per centof German AFV production in this
period went to the Eastern Front, the restgoing to build up armoured units for the
defence of Western Europe. Due to the lossof repair facilities in Dnepropetrovsk
and Kiev, German support capabilities wereseverely disrupted: only half of the
2,053 German tanks on the Eastern Front on31 December 1943 were
operational.208 The personnel situation waseven worse for von Manstein, with
Heeresgruppe Süd having suffered over372,000 casualties (including 102,000
dead or missing) in the last half of 1943,but receiving fewer than 200,000
Beyond the crushing quantitative imbalance,the failure of the much-anticipated
Panther tank to deliver a qualitativesolution to the Red Army’s numerical
advantage was a severe disappointment forthe Panzer-Divisionen. Although the
Panther’s long 187.5px KwK 42 gun had proven itself, the new tank’smechanical
unreliability prevented it from making morethan a local impression; at the critical
moment in December 1943, only 28 of PzAOK 4’s 139 Panthers were

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-06 21:33:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-08 13:16:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-10 23:04:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-10 23:08:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-11 11:16:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 莫尔坦反击  发布于 2017-08-11 11:16:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2017-08-02 18:16:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-09-01 08:49:50 +0800 CST


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