【同人&英语】狼狐恋 Between Wolf And Fox

顺便说一下,虽然文的名字是狼狐恋但是本文的主题并不是Scott和Kira,甚至和狼与狐狸的恋情一点也不着边。在这篇文文里边我填了姐夫的好几个坑,复活了Erica Boyd 和 Alison。作为一个疯狂的Sterek粉我很对不起我自己因为我在这篇文里边给Derek安了一个女伴。
下边说更新规矩。如果没有什么特殊情况我至少每周更一篇文。所谓【同人&英语】我要解释一下,我有个很大胆的决定既可以帮自己学英语也可以帮吧友们学英语。那就是——我每天会更一篇英语文,下次更新的时候放上一篇文的翻译+下一篇文的英语。其实我在各个吧都有写过同人文,但是写双语文还是第一次。虽然楼主自认为英语还行,但也甚至我在真正的大神面前就是个渣渣(Ps 毕竟我已经深深感受到了我在我们班学霸面前永远只能活在她们的阴影里),而且我的语法烂到极点所以如果错误连篇请多包涵,顺道能帮我指出来就更好不过了啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-24 20:00:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-24 20:01:00 +0800 CST  
The sliver moon light falls across the road in Beacon Hill,the lividity light that reflect by the asphalt is so mystic. You can feel the coolness that contains in the air, which reminds people that the autumn is gonna end. The full moon just hangs on the skycomposedly and quietly.
Scott is lying in his bed, try to fight against his desire and fall asleep as soon as possible.
Someone is knocking on the door, lighter and more irresolute than ever.
"Come on mom! just leave me alone! It's full moon tonight!" Scott can feel the impassion is pouring out from his chest.
The knocking stops. Scott closes his eyes again and continue on trying to fall asleep. But after a few second, he hears someone's speaking:"It's me."
"Kira!" Scott opens his eyes and sits up.
The door opened. Kira stretch her head forwards to spy and then slips in with a full orange bag made by some coarse cloth - but it is delicate anyway. Under the puzzled staring that is a bit gloomy and angry because of the full moon night, Kira gives him a quick smiles and say:"I bring u some food, we don't need to go to school 2MR anyway, right?"
"Hell no."Scott mumbles. There were two bodies were found in Beacon Hill High School again last night - yep, again. But these two are unlike the others as they have nothing to do with supernature. People are saying that a serial killer has came to this small, tiny town. His signature is that kidnaps 2 to 4 students and brings them to another city, or another state maybe, and dumps the bodies in the local high school and seeks the targets in the students of the dumping-site school. Ironically, the FBI may not even notice yet if not the signature that dumping bodies in school sticks so out. This is a result of the slightly different cause of death of victim and such a huge crime zone. The killer hasn't found his new victims yet, and nobody is out as soon as it's dark even without a night crewel. Every teenager is locked inside of their house and obviously nobody is gonna go to school even if the school is on.
“Are u coming with or without a promission from ur mom?” Scott asks when he moves so that Kira can sit.
"Screw her." disdain and frustrated thrill through Kira's eyes, "I have the ability to protect myself now, I can kinda control my capacity now, screw her and screw the killer."
"No, I mean… what if I lose my control?" Scott sits there and watch Kira switches the light on and open that bag. The smells of chips, cock, and other types of packing puffed food and sausages go straight into Scott's nose, he didn't notice that he is hungry until now.
Kira seems confounded for a moment: "No… of course no… I mean… I trust u."
A book drops out from the bag. Kira picks it up, and finds out embarrassed with the big "Mathematics" on the front page.
"Studying is finally not just an excuse, huh?" Scott jokes and take the math textbook from Kira. At that moment, a piece of paper drifting down from the book.
Kira catches it, looks at this yellowed paper doubtfully, then looks to Scott and shrugs.
"What's that?" Scott asked.
Kira shakes her hand while opening the paper:"No idea."
Scott leans forward to see. It's a painting in color with crude style, and seems vintage. Scott blinks so that he is able to recognize what is on the painting.
"A wolf and a fox."Kira says.
There is almost the back of the wolf, with only half of his greenny eye. He's white, with a irregular black figure on his back, but the shape is unrecognized as the age of the paint is too long. The fox, which is lighter than a normal red fox, with three normal black feet but a white right front paw, the same color as her tip of tail. It is very obvious that the fox is losing the fight. She narrows her eyes until there's only a gap is left.
"Hei!" Scott consoles her, "it's just a stupid painting."
Kira repeat with smile: "Yeah, of course it's just a painting, what else could it be?"
She throws it into a bin, and opens a bag of chips

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-24 20:04:00 +0800 CST  
ur: your
2MR: tomorrow

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-24 20:07:00 +0800 CST  
"Cora, are u sure about not to join Scott's pack?" Derek asks.
Cora gives Derek a mean look: "If u are gonna help me control my desire, u'd better change a topic."
Derek stares at her without speaks anything.
After a while, Cora opens her mouth lazily: "U haven't joined Scott pack as well."
"Yep, he's not my Alpha."Derek stares at her speechlessly,"BUT, he will treat me well, and even better than his Beta. And about him……"Derek looks at Peter, whose looks so pure with that face, "Scott are definitely not gonna let him in. Beside, he don't want to anyway."
Cora looks into her brother's face with interest: "Ok, I know u are doing this for my good. It's just… kinda weird being a Beta who is experienced than her Alpha."
Derek speak frustratedly: "But he's a true Alpha. It's been the 8th full moon since he became an Alpha, which means that after 4 mouth, he get all of his 'true Alpha' power and become a real true-Alpha. BTW, almost all of the true Alphas in the history were killed by Beta who wanted to be an Alpha themselves in the first year, as they are weak then. 4 month, just gives him the 4 month."
Cora stares at Derek for a couple of seconds: "Sounds like a pretty good choice when it comes out from ur mouth. Em… just let me think about it. "
Derek feels totally relax at that point, he knew his sister: not refuse means a yes. It's not he want to pushes his sister out, it's just too dangerous to be an Omega.
Derek walks up stairs and leaves the sister alone on the floor. Peter watches he slowly climbs the stairs above on the 2nd floor.
"As u say, Scott is gonna get all his power. Are u really… just gonna keep the truth from him?" Peter smiles ironically as he always did.
Derek gives Peter a hateful look: "What truth?"
Peter shrug: "U tell me Derek. Tell him why Deucalion need a perfect Alpha team, tell him what did we do after we kicked Deucalion's ass 8 month ago…"
"We were caught, caught by the Argants." Derek shoots a glance at him. Argants was once a part of Argents, they are small but mystic. They seldom operate. Although he hasn't got a chance to talk about it with Peter, he seems to know the reason why Argants seldom operate to deal with werewolves, they seems to have a bigger goal, a far too big goal.
"I mean… WHY!!" Peter ignore Derek's cold face, "They thought we have seen her ---- the she-wolf.But that's exactly why Deucalion saved our ass. But… if he thinks that we know where to find the she-wolf, what kept him from coming and asking us?"
"F*u*c*k off! U crow mouth!" Derek says fiercely.
Peter raises his eyebrow:"BTW Derek, do u think she's an Alpha or not?"
Derek opens the door of his bedroom wearily:"Who the hell know? He's just a story! A legend!"
Peter mumbles as he doesn't hear what Derek has just said: "Yeah… the mate of the werewolf king, she has to be an Alpha, doesn't she?"
He says, and fasten his eyes in a painting that hangs in Derek's bedroom. On the painting, the full moon is crystal and perfectly round, a wolf is howling in the moon light. There is a black lightening shape on his pure white fur, like somebody ripped his back open.

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-24 20:12:00 +0800 CST  
BUT/WHY: 这类大写是为了表示说话的人在喊或者可以突出了这些字眼
BTW: By the way
gonna: going to

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-24 20:14:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-24 20:19:00 +0800 CST  
“妈!今晚圆月,让我早点睡吧!” Scott压住心中的不耐烦说道。
“Kira!” Scott睁开了眼坐了起来,皱着眉头。门开了一个小缝,Kira把脑袋探了进来,紧而整个身子都溜进到了房间,手里拎着个鼓鼓囊囊的橙色粗布做的却很精美的包。迎着Scott的眉头和疑惑且因为圆月有些阴沉的目光,Kira飞快地微笑了一下说道:“我给你带了点吃的,反正明天不用上学。”
“你妈妈让你出来啊?” Scott问着,在床上腾出一片地方。
“去她的。” Kira的眼中闪过一丝不屑于无奈,“我有能力保护自己,我现在对自己的能力已经比较得心应手了,连环杀手才伤不到我呢。”
“一只狼和一只狐狸。” Kira说着。
“喂。” Scott安慰着,“这只是一张画,对么。”

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-24 20:23:00 +0800 CST  
“Cora,你真的不加入Scott的狼群?” Derek问着。
Derek无奈地说道:“你别忘了他可是True Alpha。自他成为Alpha已经熬过了8次月圆了,也就是说距离所有他“ture Alpha”的力量真正到他身上只剩下4个月了——不过话说回来,历史上几乎是全部的true Alpha都被其他Beta趁着他的力量还不够强大杀死。4个月,你再给他4个月,到那时候他可就是一个真正的True Alpha了,基本上可以说无人能敌。”
“就像你说的,Scott马上就能得到他全部的力量了。你真的不准备告诉他么?” Peter嘴角带着他固有的带着嘲讽意味的微笑。

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-24 20:26:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-24 20:27:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-26 19:39:00 +0800 CST  
"Hei!" Stiles pulls out a chair and join the table, em, the team. He just jumps over the idea that as a human, he is actually become a part of a werewolf pack, and it's a very important part. But Alison is a hunter --- that is much odder than he being a part of the pack. Lydia, well, a banshee. He suddenly realized that Kira is not here --- well, it's not a big deal, because she is a fox.
"No problem with me, I totally agree." Erica says and shoots a glance to Stiles, then Aiden and Ethan, "Boyd and me have locked up with Cora for 3 month ,remember? That's why I'm completely agree."
"Whaaaaaaaa…...t?"Stiles doesn't get what she's saying.
Scott explains: "Derek asks me if Cora can join us, u know… he's worried about she being alone."
Aiden and Ethan just admit the hostility of Erica, the other members of pack also already get used to it. Seems like Boyd does't as hateful to the twin as Erica, he just shrugs.
"So… that's it." Scott takes a big breath as if something really big is solved.
Lydia just suddenly says:"Alison, we have to go now. We are gonna meet Kira in her house remember?"
"Yeah, yeah, of course." Aliso says and then smiles to Isaac, then Scott, she stands up and leaves with Lydia.
Stiles suddenly finds he is in a situation that is kinda awkward --- a pack of wolves are staring at him.
He tries to relax, and asks a really cruel but realistic question with a big big smile on his face, which makes all the wolves just suddenly freeze: "The first lesson on the first day of school is gonna be an economy test, a big one that related to our progress grade.Do u guys know that?"

kinda: kind of
WTF(感觉应该大部分人都知道这个==):what the f*u*c*k

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-26 19:41:00 +0800 CST  
It is really dark right now, Scott and his pack walk on the street as the serial killer is nothing. Kira, Alison and Lydia should be in Lydia's home now, they are gonna do over-sleep. They are not mean to enrage the killer, it's just Erica brought our a suggestion that Scott just couldn't say no: A party for Cora. Everybody are boring to death in home, and the serial kill IS nothing to these wolves. Cora just sneaks out, Scott's parent are still in overtime and so as Stiles.Isaac lives in Scott's home. Erica and Boyd just climbed out from the window whose parents still have no idea what supernature is --- they lived together as Erica don't really have a home now. The twins --- of course, their home is in the little wooden house in the forest, where the party was held. However, Stiles don't has the key for his car, so the only people who have car are Scott and the twins --- three motorbike. That's why they go by foot.
As Stiles is the most defenseless person in the pack, Scott decides to let the pack takes him home. Those teenagers goes crazy for hours in the little wooden house. They drink the whisky that Cora gets, and Erica's grin. The wolves are so high that shouting in the silent street, which somehow create a creepy sense.
"Can we leave now, Scott?" Boyd asks and points to his house.
Scott nods his head to allow him leave the pack. He looks at the street, the shops alongs the street are all closed with no exception, the shouting stands so out in such a quiet road that full of sense of horror.
Scott just learn those idea behind.

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-26 19:44:00 +0800 CST  
"Lydia! All the cosmetic… all of these… are yours?" Alison looks surprisingly to the box that is full of different kind of cosmetic.
Lydia says proudly :"Yep."
"This one…" Kira takes a cosmetic carefully, which has a much uglier outfit than others.
Lydia say with pride:"This one? I made it myself! Can u believe that it is actually fluorescent!"
"Fluorescent?!" It kinda scars Alison, "But, can u actually wear it?"
"Well… about this…" Lydia shrugs, "I never tried it before. People all say that wearing it may cause cancer."
Kria begin to be exciting: "May I try it please? I mean, I won't get any cancer anyway."
"Of course!" Lydia says, "It's pretty hard to find someone to try this cancer bomb."
Kira take them out carefully and puts those beautiful blue flasher cosmetic on.
It ends up scares Alison and Lydia when she turns with those cosmetic on.
"U look like a…." Alison comments.
"An angry wolf. "Lydia continue to say.
Kira raises her eyebrow: "Really? What if we switch the light off?"
Lydia moves to her RHS and do so.
Kira's glowing eyes in the dark are flickering. Lydia was surprised by the effect of the cosmetic.
"There're still some differences between u and a wolf. Yours r darker." Alison comments.
"Darker?"Kira asks when her eyes suddenly become light, which look exactly like the eyes of angry werewolf.
This really scares Lydia, she hurried turns the light on.
"It was cool!" Alison opens her eyes widely,"How did u do that?!"
Kira can not help but laugh. Her eyes quickly go dark. She takes the cosmetic off and says: "My eyes can glow remember? It's just a different color. The increase in background brightness will make my eyes seems like glowing blue light."
"U're too scary." Lydia says.

r: are
RHS: right hand side

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-26 19:46:00 +0800 CST  
Their pack is already out of Boyd and Erica's sight.
"R there any ice-cream in the fridge?" Erica is exciting.
"Yeah, of course!" Boyd answers.
Suddenly, a masked bumps out of the green belts. He hits Boyd head with a baseball bat first, and then hits Erica before she shows her crow out.

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-26 19:47:00 +0800 CST  
Cora seems to forget already that the twin have prisoned her, three of them plus Isaac seems have a really good time together.
"U r an Alpha now." Stiles asks half joking half serious, "Do u feel like under a lot of pressure?"
"No." Scott throws his arm around his BBF, "I have u, my boss and Derek to help me."
Stiles freezes a moment, he obviously dosen't except that name in Scott's list."
Scott notices that Stiles have frozen for a moment:"What's up?"
Stiles says:"I'm just --- thinking about the serial killer,all of his targets are high school students, all of his dumping sites are high school. High school, why high school? Why it has to be high school?"
"Maybe……" Scott says,"Students are less likely have the ability to fight back, and compare to the chidden, they r… they r…"
"Maybe u'r right, but I have the feeling that he did this because he have the particular hate of high school students. What's interesting is that he's in control, the number of victims are never more than 4 or less than 2, and the bodies are always found after 3 month. 3 month, high school… these seems important to him." Stiles turn his head to Scott.
"So?" Scott obviously does not get his point.
Stiles feels completely hopeless about Scott IQ:"SO, if v can find out the reasons, we find out the killer. As u know, he doesn't care about the race or gender, the only thing he cares is wether they are in high school or not. The creepiest part is that some of his victim have been sexual assault, but there isn't any DNA inside them as the killer may use condom."
Scott still doesn't get his point:"What's so creepy about it? Maybe he just fears about the STD."
"Let me finish u idiot!" Stiles gave him a mean stare, "What's so creepy is that it's not only the females who's been sexual assault, but also males!"
"OMG!bisexual?" Scott feel totally surprise.
Stiles feels that Scott's IQ was really, really hopeless:"This is NOT the point we need to concentrate on!"
"Yeah well," Scott says,"U r Holmes, where I'm just a little cute werewolf."
Stiles' face is full of exaltation as Scott gives up.

BBF,IQ, STD,OMG 这些还需要我说么,应该都知道吧== 如果不知道再问吧

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-26 19:50:00 +0800 CST  
Boyd and Erica finally wake up, the memory become clearer and clearer. They were attached by someone while coming back to him. Their hands are tied on their back, and they are in … some strange place.
It's dark, there are rarely any light, but bright enough for wolf's eyes. They quickly know their circumstance. Erica gives Boyd a look, her crows come out with that iconic sound. She easily cuts the rope, then Boyd helps Erica with hers. The two wolves rapidly get over with the tape on their mouth and the rope on their feet.
"What the hell!" Erica says angrily.
Boyd mumbles:"Maybe it's the psycho serial killer."
Erica curls her lips:"It'd better be, because if it is him, I will rip his heart out of his chest --- are we in a van?"
"I think so." Boyd says. Two of them stay quick so that they can hear what's around them. The buzzy sound of a car engine, the heart beats and the breathing sounds of the driver, and the music that comes out from the video.
Erica mumbles:"Hell yeah, music --- we r in the cargo box of a van, that's fantastic. So can v just rip those iron sheet off and get out?"
Boyd shrugs and walks to the door.
Suddenly, the brake screeches and the van just stops. Boyd and Erica both fall off on the ground.
They stands up while complaining. The door, suddenly opens.
"Crack, Crack"
They both looks at where the sound comes from. Erica is shock. The person who stands outside the van is wearing a shabby jeans and a stick dirty light-brown jacket with a grey T-shrit inside, and also a black baseball cap with a green"U", a yellow "S" and a red "A". But what really shocks her is the dirty messy blond ponytail --- a woman!
She hits Boyd with the electric shock. Boyd screams and grabs her arm. The electric shock drops from her hand as there's no way she can against a werewolf. Erica begins to move, she pulls the killer onto the van and pushes her head against the iron sheet wall. The killer blacks out.
Erica smiles to Boyd and flicks the dirt on her cloth: "Get done!"

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-26 19:51:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-26 19:52:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-03-26 19:53:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 6849632  发布于 2014-04-01 11:46:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2014-03-25 04:00:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2020-10-25 13:55:10 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



