

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 09:43:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 09:47:00 +0800 CST  
人们确实可以提出强有力的论点来证明北京领导人-他们肯定在为经济现状以及美国向亚太的战略东移绞尽脑汁-在追问之下,肯定承认他们害怕像前苏联那样的结局 但是,从我最近几年在亚洲各地旅行、参加各种会议、聚会所收集的信息表明,中国官员很清楚地意识到他们完全可以避免前苏联那样的结局。他们也害怕手中的权力将来可能会被剥夺-由于腐败、穷兵黩武、政治瘫痪、社会分裂等等。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 09:47:00 +0800 CST  
Elvis • 2 days ago
It's hard to predict the future, history has often surprised us. Approximately 600 years ago, the future seem to belong to China as the great Ming armadas went out and then China turned inward.
Go further back and while the Europeans were fighting a losing battle to keep the Crusader states in the Levant alive, the Chinese under the Song looked to be on the verge of the Industrial Revolution which due to a variety of reasons including the Mongol conquest did not happen.
Who would have thought centuries ago, that the British would supersede the Spanish as the global power. Likewise that Constantinople would repel the Arabs twice, or that the Franks would do their part in the west against the Moors. Not to mention the Athenians defeating the Persians at Salamis. We can go on and on.
I doubt that the People's Republic of China will fall, in fact I would say that odds are that China under the reign of the CCP will be one of the most important powers if not the most important power of the 21st century. Then again, most of us would say that the United States will not only continue to be a superpower but many of my fellow Americans are likewise convinced that this century will be an American century.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 09:48:00 +0800 CST  
Thought there is room for collapse, if there was some mass event of the wrong circumstances. All the major powers have large economic problems that could trigger a collapse.
Russia has the problem of oil and sanctions.
China has the problem of all weird shadow-dealings its government has done to keep its economy afloat. Like just building giant empty towns.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 09:48:00 +0800 CST  
USA is dependent on the petrodollar and world reserve currency.
Serge Krieger Elvis • 2 days ago
Excellent post. All predictions is BS. Nobody knows what the future holds. But, Russia and China have tendency to come back from the brink and US has yet to prove it can come back after bad reversal as she has not had one. It is only coming.
Karl Pershing CCD • a day ago
Kissinger under Nixon made China into what it is today. Big mistake.
CCD Karl Pershing • a day ago
I do not think it was a mistake to improve US relations with China. Deng Xiaoping reformed the economic system and that would have happened regardless. Perhaps without cooperation from the US (like most favored nation trading status) it would have been more difficult. However, it would have happened anyway. Other countries in the World and especially in Asia were going to trade with China no matter what the US did.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 09:49:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 09:49:00 +0800 CST  
Karl Pershing CCD • a day ago
Yes but American manufacturing suffered because of it. Middle class jobs have left the US. It was the initiation of a national suicide.
CCD Karl Pershing • a day ago
This is a view that is old and no longer true. For one thing only 16% of the economy is manufacturing based. Manufacturing is not the key to economic prosperity. Look at Apple computer for example. All Apple products are made in China by workers making a tiny fraction of what US employees make. Apple is profitable and employees Americans as highly skilled engineers and managers. Apple makes the lion's share of the profit, while Foxcon the Taiwanese manufacture makes a small fraction. Who has the better end of this deal. Having manufacturing of Apple products in the US would make them far more expensive. There would be fewer high skilled jobs available (for a new workforce which is mostly college educated) and American investors - including pension funds and not just rich fat cats - would lose out as well.
Americans have moved on and adapted. Our University education system and health care system attract people from all over the world that come to use these services. Because this is a service being used in the US a Saudi spending money on the US health system or a Chinese paying for tuition at an American University has no effect on the trade numbers. And by the way jobs in health care and higher education are well paying. Low profit margin low skill manufacturing has been replaced with higher skill, higher profit margin industries. Hardly a sob story.
Vector Elvi

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 09:50:00 +0800 CST  
Eagle Patrick • 4 hours ago
If you wait long enough on the bank of a river you will drown in the river. -a wiser old man
如果你在河边等的足够长的时间,你将会掉进河里 —— 一个睿智的老人说。(子在川上曰逝者如斯夫不舍昼夜
Timur Elvis • 2 days ago
The Chinese is an avid reader of history: As soon as you declare that you are "exceptional" you are frozen in time and allowed other nations to catch on. But human beings are weak. We like to be on top. This lessons are learned again and again. Jesus taught us humility for a reason.
matimal Timur • 2 days ago
..at least the histories they can get their hands on. Many books are banned in china or not available in Chinese.
Jerry Elvis • a day ago
Elvis, Very good post, its nice to have some "real history", that put things in their proper perspective, instead of a lot of ridiculous boasting & threatening based on ignorance.
Elvis ,好帖! 有一些“真实的历史”, 这非常好,这样就能在更正确的角度看待它们,而不是荒谬的吹嘘和基于无知的威胁。
Morti Samuels Elvis • 2 days ago
Well spoken Thank You for history is what we need to learn from. This country is in very bad shape and the times are now more complicated??? More complicated yet less life threatening? Man will continue to destroy man

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 09:52:00 +0800 CST  
Vector Elvis • 2 days ago
In truth, all China needs to do is wait, EU and USA PC elites are doing all they can to destroy their countries.
Patrick Vector • 2 days ago
What is that old saying from some wise Chinese man. "If you wait long enough on the bank of a river you will see the bodies of your enemy float by"
某个古代中国智者说什么来着:“如果你在河边等的足够长的时间,你将会看到你敌人尸体浮过来。”(这个可能是 子在川上曰 逝者如斯夫,不过能理解成这样,我也是醉了。而且版本貌似还很多

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 10:11:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 10:13:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 10:13:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-03-19 10:14:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-03-19 17:43:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2021-03-16 11:17:18 +0800 CST


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