【TNABO】《黑豹》Black Panther资料\/新闻\/动态\/讨论\/专贴

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-10-31 18:35:00 +0800 CST  
“黑豹”是非洲一个资源丰富、科技发达的国家——瓦坎达(Wakanda,漫画里一个虚构的国家)的黑豹族对于领袖(国王)的传统称呼。“黑豹”身份代表国家的最高人物,肩负保护国家的重任。“黑豹提恰拉”第一次出现是在1966年《神奇四侠》(Fantastic Four)一集漫画里。提恰拉(T*Challa),是目前的瓦坎达国王——“黑豹”。 其父T*Chaka为前代“黑豹”,在位其间曾有陨石落在Wakanda,而带来大量稀有吸音金属Vibranium。T*Chaka令国家Wakanda隐藏并与外间隔绝,他将Vibranium 卖出足以送国内的学士到外国念书从而令Wakanda成为了高科技国家。不过探险家Ulysses Klaw 发现了Wakanda国,他秘密地建了一台利用Vibranium作原料的武器。当Ulysses Klaw被发现之后他利用其武器杀掉初代"黑豹",年轻的T*Challa 为了报父仇废掉了Klaw的右手,但是最后还是让Klaw逃了。为了成为新一任黑豹,T*Challa要经过多重考验以证明他有能力保护国人。成为黑豹后他到了外国念书以学习治国之道。刚前往欧美学习,他遇到了刚刚建立的复仇者联盟,还攻击神奇四侠(F4)——为了试验他们看他们有没有能力帮助他打败回归Wakanda的Klaw。后来他逐渐被这个团体接纳,黑豹也完全放下戒备,与诸位复仇者一同出生入死。黑豹的性格像极了美国队长,稳重中带有王者风范,就连给复仇者打酱油都是那么华丽。其实年轻的T*Challa 曾与当年刚成为孤儿的Ororo Munroe(暴风女,Storm)相爱,不过T*Challa为了报父仇而跟她分手,而Ororo Munroe(暴风女,Storm)其后亦被X教授招揽成为X战警的队员。黑豹后来加入复仇者(Avengers)。在09年大事件“内战”其间他跟暴风女结婚,之后加入了美国队长的反对立法派。后来他曾代替神奇四侠的神奇先生加入了神奇四侠。12年大事件“AVX”中,就“凤凰”问题,暴风女因队伍立场不同,与黑豹乃至复仇者分道扬镳。复仇者为抗击凤凰五使的X战警,带着变种人霍普躲避在黑豹的国家——瓦坎达,却遭到X战警的摩纳水淹瓦坎达,黑豹遂与暴风女离婚。

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-10-31 18:38:00 +0800 CST  

黑人男星查德维克·博斯曼 饰演 黑豹

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-10-31 18:42:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-10-31 18:43:00 +0800 CST  
We will meet Black Panther for the first time in CAPTAIN AMERICA 3: CIVIL WAR. He will be a big part of that storyline.

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-10-31 18:47:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-10-31 18:49:00 +0800 CST  
这个介绍更详尽啊 @不要急汉化组

但是他的不仅仅只是力量惊人。神奇先生和他的队员迅速意识到他们的的新盟友不仅是一个科学天才而且还是非洲一个远离人烟的乌托邦国家瓦坎达的领导者 。他称自己为黑豹,无论是漫威宇宙,还是整个漫画界都没有第二个。第一个黑人超级英雄正式诞生并迅速风靡全球。




“多亏粉丝对这本漫画很上心,【标题】袭人眼球。我期望大部分社论都不会对此产生怀疑。我没有把黑豹呈现出来,并不是说我没有全心全意花在特查拉还有这个系列上。我看遍了当时出版的所有黑豹的故事。我的珍藏都被放在了我的故乡罗德岛州,【漫威职员】Jim Salicrup把他的复制本给了我一份。遇到【画师】Rich Buckler真是我的幸运,他曾在漫威办公室里有一个自主独立工作空间。Rich和我一样,对漫画充满了热情。要是一开始他放弃了坚持画第一辑”黑豹之怒“的话,编辑决不会任命他继续把这个系列画下去的。在一个次要的联盟丛林标题上浪费他的才能,对他们来说,这只是无足轻重的事。

麦格雷迪填充了丛林行动之黑豹之怒的时间线,其中,特查拉奋力阻止瓦坎达内战,制止恶魔Eric Killmonger在非洲地区煽动骚乱的阴谋 。在丛林行动#19中,作者开启了一个新的故事,将Panther至于现实的挑战之中,Ku Klux Klan。



“那是1976年,好吧。我把特查拉和Monica Lynne带去了美国,让他和Ku Klux Klan见了面,他在那个时候已经东山再起了。那里有很多孤注一掷的集团,而其他人并没有把这个当做一件蠢事,更是以暴力与你相抗衡。他们各有不同,却异常相似。


就在此时,尽管有人认为我有精力去选择一位画师为我的书创作,但是我没有。的确,Bill Graham是沃伦杂志的首个黑人艺术编辑,也是我的老朋友了,但这不足以成为让他加入创作的理由。你没必要相信我,一切都交给时间吧。他们差不多都把书上的黑人画师和黑人角色安置在了一起。最近我还从没见过黑人作者出现在漫威。


楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-10-31 22:12:00 +0800 CST  

时光网讯 虽然关于《美国队长3》的剧情消息还处于保密阶段,不过按捺不住小情绪的小罗伯特·唐尼还是透露了些情况:“这片子格局庞大。” 近日,唐尼在接受媒体采访时,聚焦点本来是他的新片《法官老爹》,但似乎媒体更关心漫威电影,所以绕来绕去还是问到了“钢铁侠”身上。不过除此之外,唐尼表示不能再曝光其他细节了,不然就要遭殃啦。 回溯第一部《钢铁侠》电影诞生之初,唐尼曾透露该片的制作人一开始并没有十足的信心,推出这部电影冒了不少风险,但好在影片票房非常火爆,也引发了此后一大波漫画电影的改编潮。 唐尼对即将开拍的《美国队长3》表示“激动”,他将在其中继续饰演逗比百万富翁托尼·斯塔克,并与克里斯·埃文斯扮演的美国队长展开又一轮斗嘴耍贫。而在《美队2》中有精彩表现的安东尼·麦凯有望回归继续扮演“猎鹰”一角。 影片初定于2016年5月6日登陆北美,而英国的上映时间则是更早的4月29日。距离上映还有一年多的时间,给了制作团队足够的时间筹拍这部电影,《美队2》的导演安东尼·罗素和乔·罗素将继续执导第三部。

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-10-31 22:15:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-10-31 22:15:00 +0800 CST  
再给Chadwick Boseman来张图(有人吐槽猎鹰比他帅......)

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-10-31 22:16:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-10-31 22:20:00 +0800 CST  
2015年7月17日 《蚁人》
2015年8月7日 《新神奇四侠》
2016年2月12日 《死侍》
2016年3月25日 《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》
2016年5月6日 《美国队长3:内战》
2016年5月27日 《X战警:天启》
2016年8月5日 《自杀小队》
2016年11月4日 《奇异博士》
2017年3月3日 《金刚狼3》
2017年5月5日 《银河护卫队2》
2017年6月23日 《神奇女侠》
2017年7月14日 《新神奇四侠2》
2017年7月28日 《雷神3:诸神黄昏》
2017年11月3日 《黑豹》
2018年未定档 《超凡蜘蛛侠3》
2018年3月23日 《闪电侠》
2018年5月4日 《复仇者联盟3:无限战争(上)》
2018年7月6日 《惊奇队长》
2018年7月13日 福克斯貌似有个未定名电影
2018年7月27日 《海王》
2018年11月2日 《异人族》
2019年4月5日 《神奇上尉》
2019年5月3日 《复仇者联盟3:无限战争(下)》
2019年6月14日 《正义联盟(下)》
2020年4月3日 《钢骨》
2020年6月19日 《绿灯侠》

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-11-01 11:07:00 +0800 CST  
Two weeks ago, Warner Bros and DC Comicsmade a big announcement of their movie plans stretching out to 2020, and this week, it was Marvel Studios* turn. Given the nearly weekly deluge of news stories about their various projects, it was sort of a given that not all discussed at the Marvel event would be news, butat least half of it legitimately was. The new non-sequels announced were Black Panther (11/3/17), Captain Marvel (7/6/18), and Inhumans (11/2/18), and the new sequels announced were Thor: Ragnarok (7/18/17), Avengers: Infinity War Part I(5/4/18), and Avengers: Infinity War Part II (5/3/19). Among movies we already knew about, the title of Captain America: Civil War was confirmed (after some joking that it would be called Captain America: The Serpent Society). The release date of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was bumped up two months to 5/5/17 (from 7/28/17), along with a video message from director James Gunn expressing that he and his friends wanted to spend the whole summer with us. A more "inside baseball" detail that slipped in was that Marvel*s Phase 2 would be ending with Ant-Man, and not Avengers: Age of Ultron, as previously expected (based on Phase I ending with Marvel*s The Avengers). Many of these films have been anticipated for years now, and some of them are directly set up by other Marvel films. We see something (and someone) in the Avengers: Age of Ultrontrailer which seems to set up Black Panther, the Kree Empire of Guardians of the Galaxy has direct connections to both Captain Marvel (who is definitely Carol Danvers) and Inhumans (who are the result of ancient Kree genetic experiments on Earth). As for Thor: Ragnarok, the title has a double meaning asThor: Ragnarok was the title of an event immediately before the Civil War event (in which Thor and the Norse Gods seemed to be destroyed), and "Ragnarok" was the name of a Thor clone used during Civil War. In other Marvel news, which was overlooked by most in the hubbub, this Marvel Experience announcement revealed that Marvel Studios is currently trying to lock up a movie deal for... She-Hulk.

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-11-02 09:26:00 +0800 CST  
Some superhero movies go through months and months of casting "stories" for their stars (see below), but the process for Marvel*s Black Panther was relatively free of all of that. Oh, sure, back in August, there was a rumor that Chadwick Boseman (of the Jackie Robinson and James Brown biopics) had landed the role, but there hadn*t been much more than that. So, this week, it was somewhat refreshing when Kevin Feige started talking about Black Panther (11/3/17), and he was joined onstage by... Chadwick Boseman, the star of 42 and Get On Up. This news came along with the first official glimpse at concept art for the Black Panther movie costume, which combines the character*s traditional look with some new features like tribal-style stripes throughout, an embedded fang necklace, and what looks like zippers around the toes (which are probably deadly foot blades or something). Kevin Feige also confirmed of Black Panther that "We will meet him for the first time in [Captain America:] Civil War, in costume." In the meantime, we still don*t know anything else aboutBlack Panther, such as who is writing or directing the film, but there*s still over three years before release, too.

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-11-02 09:26:00 +0800 CST  
漫威发布第三阶段9部影片时间表美队开头复联收尾 黑豹&奇异博士亮相

"American captain 3: Civil War" (2016.5.6)
By "USA captain coached 2" Anthony Russell and the Jo Russo brothers to continue serving as adirector, "USA captain" Chris Evans and "Iron Man" starring Robert Downey Jri. After the Olympic record of events, American captain Steve set up a group of new hero team to continue to upholdjustice, because of all the countries in the world to manage a series of things, America captain andiron man this idea out, the final conflict. The film is the third phase begins, the famous character"Marvel comics in the Panther" (Chadwick Bosman decoration) will also be in this film plays a crucial role.
"Strange" (Dr. 2016.11.4)
By has directed "the day the earth stood still" Scott Derikson as the director, "Sherlock Benedict"Conboy Baki expected to star of narcissism and has the ultra ability neurosurgeon "singular doctor",will be in the "3" plays the villain in USA captain Daniel Bruch will continue to play the villain in the film.
"The Milky Way guard 2" (2017.5.5)
And directed by the Milky Way "escort" director James Gunn write, first in the main actors Chris Pratt,Zoe Saaldana, Dave Battista, Bradley Cooper, Van Dicer are all return, the film will be May 5, 2017release, has yet to reveal any other relevant information.
"Quake 3: Twilight for the gods" (2017.7.28)
There is no sure candidates for the director, but the "hammer" brother "Chris Hhemsworth and Tom"Tom F Chandler Preston will return starring, and title "Ragnarok" refers to the world of Asgard will face a crowning calamity.
"Black Panther" (2017.11.3)
There is no sure candidates for the director, will be in the "Captain America 3" appeared in Chadwick Bosman would continue to star in "Black Panther" one horn, Bosman played the famous blackbaseball Sejki Robinson in the biopic "legend" in last year*s No. 42.
"The Avengers 3: Infinite War (on)" (2018.5.4)
The film will open a larger galactic war, in the "Galaxy convoy" play "out pa" a corner of Josh Brolinwill continue to play the role, and will in the film of "multiple" a devastating blow. Because the two"director Jose Weiden multiple" will no longer continue to directed, "Captain America" directorAnthony Russell and the Jo Russo brothers is expected to take over the guide cylinder.
"Captain Marvel" (2018.7.6)
Marvel*s first female superhero movie, director, starring are not fixed, "Wonder Woman" is a member of the Avengers, due to contact with aliens, and get more than the power of ordinary people andtolerance to pain, physical damage awesome ability to resist, flying ability and the ability to predict.The film will be released in July 6, 2018.
"A family" (2018.11.2)
This film will take an in-depth perspective into the broader space, the film is about a group of more than "Galaxy convoy" lets the audience feel strange role, in the cartoon "different race" by theancient alien race Kree people to create, they have their own social system, isolated life that theyhave beyond humanity*s advanced technology.
"The Avengers 3: Infinite War (under)" (2019.5.3)
At the same time, with the upper part to be filmed, starring, director and the upper part of the same,will be the marvel third stage of the last movie, released in May 3, 2019.

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-11-18 20:41:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-11-22 08:26:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-12-06 14:32:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-12-06 14:34:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-12-06 14:36:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 神探狂人  发布于 2014-12-06 14:37:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2014-11-01 02:35:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-10-27 22:55:32 +0800 CST


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