Colin Trevorrow接受IGN采访,吴博士确认回归

Colin Trevorrow talks Jurassic World to IGN; confirms BD Wong

楼主 X独裁X  发布于 2014-03-20 13:42:00 +0800 CST  
IGN's Chris Tilly recently interviewed Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow to ask about certain aspects of the film. Colin himself talked about the delay, writing the script, characters, and most surpringly, confirmed BD Wong will reprise his role as Dr. Henry Wu! Here is the direct quote:
IGN记者Chris Tilly最近就《侏罗纪世界》影片的某些方面采访了导演Colin Trevorrow。Colin在采访中谈到了影片的推迟,剧本的创作以及角色,此外他还证实了亨利·吴博士(BD Wong饰)将出现在影片中:

IGN: Will any of the characters from the original films be returning for this one?

Trevorrow: I know a lot of fans want to see the original characters back. They’re iconic. But I respect those actors too much to shoehorn them into this story for my own sentimental reasons. Jurassic Park isn’t about the bad luck of three people who keep getting thrown into the same situation. The only reason they’d go back to that island is if the screenwriters contrived a reason for them to go. But there is a character from the first film who makes sense in our world. This hasn’t been announced yet, but BD Wong will be returning as Dr. Henry Wu. He had a much larger role in the original novel, he was the engineer of this breakthrough in de-extinction. He spent two decades living in Hammond’s shadow, underappreciated. We think there’s more to his story."
Colin:我知道许多影迷翘首以盼之前的角色回归。他们是侏罗纪公园的标志性人物。但是我必须尊重那些演员,不能硬拉他们回来演这部电影,侏罗纪公园也不能总是描述同样的三个人不断身陷相似的险境。是否让他们回来要看编剧创作的剧情需要,不过确实有一个来自第一部影片的角色会出现在我们的侏罗纪世界中。虽然没有正式公布,但是BD Wong饰演的吴博士确实会回归。他是复活恐龙基因技术的重要工程师,在原著小说中扮演了很重要的角色,不过在电影中他的戏份被哈蒙德抢了不少,我们认为有必要更多的描述他的故事。

Colin also had this to say about Chris Pratts character:
Colin也谈到了另外两个角色Chris Pratts:

"He’s a classic hero in a very modern context. He’s the guy who will get you through the jungle alive – but like Malcolm, Grant and Sattler, he’s an expert in a scientific field that’s connected to our story. The character allows us to explore some new ideas about our relationship with these animals, without losing the humor and sense of adventure. He’s a great contrast for Bryce Dallas Howard’s character, who starts off very corporate, very controlled. Until the running and screaming starts. Then they need each other."
Colin:Chris Pratts是一个经典的现代英雄人物,和马尔科姆、格兰特和赛特勒一样,他能带着你活着走出丛林。在我们的故事中他是一个科学家,这个角色会代理我们重新思考人类与恐龙的关系,但又不缺少幽默和冒险的感觉。他的个性正好与Bryce Dallas Howard扮演的角色形成对照,后者会运营新的公司,继续试图掌控生命,直到又开始有人尖叫着逃命为止。最后两人必须互相合作才能与恐龙对抗。

楼主 X独裁X  发布于 2014-03-20 13:42:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2014-03-20 21:42:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2020-08-27 18:05:36 +0800 CST


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