
以下内容摘录自The Career Within You这本书。


You are appreciated by co-workers for being flexible. You often receive spirit awards for being good sports and remaining unruffled. Duncan works in a pressure cooker in one of the fanciest restaurants in New York City. It’s a good thing he’s so relaxed because sometimes the kitchen runs into a crisis and he has to improvise, or one of the chefs doesn’t show up and he has to do double duty. “Everybody around me can be tense, but I always keep my cool and adapt. What is there to be upset about? Life goes on.”

James was a software engineer in the early days of the Internet industry. He needed to think creatively when solving technology problems and building tools online that had never been built before. You couldn’t go by the book, for the book hadn’t been written yet. Working in the chaotic environment of a startup company, he had to be adaptable. The engineers who joined the company later and built on top of James’s systems followed the rules and patterns he had created. The chief information officer complimented him using a military analogy: “With today’s starting engineers it’s like bringing in the infantry. They don’t have to be as flexible when they wield these big systems. But you were like a commando working in the streets with the locals; you were yourself in a foreign place having to work with what you found.”

Peace Seekers as leaders are usually humble and can change course when it’s called for. Perhaps the most famous Peace Seeker, the Dalai Lama, is quick to admit when he is wrong—a rare quality in world leaders.

优点2:宽视角(Broad Perspective)

As Peace Seekers, you see the big picture and are among the most considerate of all the career types. When you travel the halls at work, in the neighborhood, or in the world, you try to put yourselves in others’ shoes in order to understand their perspectives.

Wendy Hopkins, who recently retired as director of alumni relations at Williams College, was widely respected for her long career working with twenty-five thousand alumni and alumnae ranging from their early twenties to their nineties. Her constituents lived all over the globe and were involved in thousands of professional and personal pursuits, from African dance to homeschooling. One coworker described Wendy as “the glue that holds the organizational structure together.” Wendy helped add more inclusive language to the association’s vision statement so that the group fully represents all its constituents. She was a reassuring presence, calm and unflappable, and a good listener who welcomed all voices to the table.*


When speaking with clients, most people rehearse in their heads what they want to say. As Peace Seekers, however, you want to hear out everyone and give each person a chance to participate. Your listening skills are career assets that earn trust and put people at ease.

Being a friend of Dave’s is satisfying because he lets them know he fully receives their messages. “I’m mostly interested in subtlety of tone, whether having a feeling about the underlying emotional stance of someone’s e-mail or hearing subtle nuances in music.”

When Jerry worked for a corporate communications company, he would be assigned to the challenging or “jerky” clients, whom he was usually able to transform into happy customers. He’s having the same success in his current government position. “Some rude and demanding city residents send questions to our department and copy the board of supervisors on the e-mails, as though they are trying to get us in trouble,” Jerry said. “I make a point of paying attention to their concerns rather than blowing them off, though I must say blowing them off is tempting.”


Your sense of wonder imbues you with an appreciation of humankind, nature, technology, and the feelings that works of art produce. You pass your appreciative attitude along to friends and co-workers.

David has been opening himself up to his friend’s music, adopting it as his own, translating it to guitar—improving it and interpreting it—for twenty years. He takes a piece that his friend has composed for himself to sing and first absorbs it. Then he produces it the way his friend would produce it if he could play guitar. “George Martin did this for the Beatles as their producer. He was a big part of their sound because of his receptivity.” David adds, “Peace Seekers understand at a body level. Our openness has a spiritual kind of sensuality about it—seeing new and interesting colors rather than judging what’s good and what’s bad. We have an accepting mind-set that sees an interesting kaleidoscope of flavors coming from that person, whether we like the individual flavors or not.”


You spend whatever time it takes to manifest your inner vision and to live in the present seeking peace; you give people and situations time to improve rather than hurrying the process. Your employees flourish because they feel supported, you tolerate their quirks, and they don’t feel criticized. When you’re the worker bee, your managers appreciate your endurance and lack of complaints when the going gets tough. Your patient stance provides a sense of stability.

Just as Nigel sprinkles his conversation with, “It’s no big deal,” Kevin often uses his favorite expression, “It is what it is,” and is accepting when there are difficulties in a project.

Flora goes with the flow. “If a decision has to be made by another department,” she says, “the end result and speed of resolution are out of your hands. It’s less stressful to be patient with how quickly we get an answer (which is usually much too slow) and to accept the outcome.” As auditor, Flora has written a letter informing the employees what they can do when their salaries are garnered for back taxes—whom to call, which agency gives employee assistance in taxes, how to get more time to file or to pay child support, and so on. “I’m patient when employees ask me about these things, realizing they sometimes need to hear the answer two or three times.”


Inertia means keeping going if you’re in motion or staying put if you’re at rest. Some Peace Seekers can hardly get out of their working mode long enough to turn off their computers and BlackBerries—even on weekends or vacation—while others have trouble getting started and are accused of being lazy.

Peace Seekers often stay in jobs they don’t like longer than they wish they had. They did not listen to what their instincts were telling them. Sonja has been reporting in for the past four years to a job where she couldn’t achieve her long-term goals. The main attraction was playing Ping-Pong during the breaks. Thankfully, she just realized she’s been wasting her time like Rip Van Winkle, who woke up to find that twenty years of his life were gone. Now she’s going to look for a more challenging job with a better future.

缺点2:不知道自己想要什么(Losing Touch with What I Want)

While you may be making things easier for your co-workers by going along with them because you’re not aware of what you truly want, saying “whatever you want” might get on your co-workers’ nerves.

Some Peace Seekers accept jobs that do not use their abilities, which often leads to resentment. Another version of not being in touch with what you want is to become busy with the needs of people around you instead of fulfilling your own career. Sometimes Ghana would fool himself that he was being productive when he was engaged in distracting activity instead of making appointments and running experiments. He would be listening to others’ problems because his colleagues appreciated him for that. “I finally realized I’d be better off concentrating on getting ahead, my exercise, my spiritual practice, and my own being.”

Debbie drifted in her first two years of college without a clear sense of her strengths. Then a professor, who was impressed with her in a business speaking class, recommended that she consider acting. When she appeared in her first play, a comedy, the audience reacted excitedly to her performance. “But my self-esteem was so low that when I came backstage and the cast laughed and cheered, I thought they were making fun of me. Only later did I realize they thought I had done a good job. When I look back, the universe seemed to be screaming, ‘You matter.’ I have been acting ever since.”

Jerry has volunteered for years as a yoga meditation leader. “From meditation I’ve become comfortable with focusing inside myself rather than getting swayed by what’s outside. It has helped me find my own positive internal voice. When meditating, I’m in this place where nothing else matters—not other ideas, not other people—just me.”

缺点3:不表达自己的立场(Not Standing Up for Myself)

Peace Seekers, who value harmony, are often tempted to adapt too much to others. Remember that some positions are worth not backing down on, even if you have to get involved in a dispute. Standing up for themselves can be difficult for Peace Seekers.

In the last few years David has tried to detach from his usual role as mediator. “It’s not always the best thing to insist on such an easy flow,” he says. “Sometimes overlooking or denying problems leads to fading away, like beaming to somewhere on Star Trek. Or like when an abused child goes to some other place in her imagination to escape the reality of the present. When the guy who runs the guitar store is stressed and looking for problems, I turn on my gentleness with him. His constant static-y anxiety in my environment is tickling some of my own anxiety, so I soothe his in order to help myself be calm. I’m not really agreeing with him as much as I’m looking as though I’m agreeing with him. But when something is wrong I need to call it out instead of sweeping it under the rug.”

Peace Seekers can often state their true opinions and are assertive in one specific area of their lives. David doesn’t like to confront, but he can be surprisingly outspoken where music is concerned: “It’s a safe subject for me. I’m highly opinionated about music.”


Difficulty prioritizing is often a major element in the habit of procrastination. You can get so caught up in details or feel so comfortable gliding along that you lose track of time. Or you might put off confronting a problem, hoping that you will become resolute enough to pull the trigger. In other cases you might just forget. You meant to go back to complete your degree, but you didn’t look up the admissions requirements online because you were always busy playing in the band with your friends.

David is spread in a lot of different directions. “Priorities are a problem. Every item on the list is of equal value, so it’s hard to pick one. Each one says, ‘Pay attention to me now!’ so I don’t pay attention to any of them.”

For some, procrastination consists of redoing experiments and trying to get them right, or spending hours rewriting papers and having a hard time finishing them. Then you think if you take a break it will give you a new perspective, and it often does, but taking a break may spur more procrastination. “Jason’s band has been mixing a CD for over a year. We always have new ideas. The scary thing is, the longer your break, the more perspective you get.”

Jerry had already walked in the graduation ceremony for his MA diploma at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology but hadn’t finished his thesis, so his fiancée postponed their wedding. “She didn’t want to marry me until I had completed my degree. Up until that point I was my typical optimistic self about making deadlines—I procrastinated as usual. I thought I could just throw it together, but my advisor rejected my submission. ‘This would be okay as a term paper, but it’s supposed to be a thesis.’ My second challenge was when I met my fiancée for a romantic getaway in Hawaii on my way home from doing research for the thesis in India. To lighten my suitcase, I had mailed all my interviews [from India] to my home address. Well, they never arrived. So my fiancée helped me piece everything back together from memory. Thank goodness I was engaged to a smart woman in a PhD program who knows how to write these things. If it weren’t for her, I would still be working on that thesis.”

Jason’s boss thinks he should be able to wrap up a report quickly and neatly, but Jason wants to look deeper and deeper into the data to understand it more thoroughly. “I keep writing and have to edit out all the redundancy. I get curious about the details and never reach the point where it’s done. Meanwhile, I’m generating hundreds of pages of material. I’ll have lots of little stories, but I can’t put all three hundred of them in the paper. I need a collaborator who’s a finisher.”

楼主 crazyloach  发布于 2013-12-17 14:54:00 +0800 CST  





楼主 crazyloach  发布于 2014-03-02 12:35:00 +0800 CST  


Wendy Hopkins是Williams学院的校友会负责人,最近才退休,她的工作业绩受到了广泛的高度评价。她的职业生涯接触了两万五千位校友,校友的年龄段从20岁一直跨越到90岁。校友会成员遍布全球,并且有着各种各样的职业追求或者个人追求,有从事非洲舞蹈事业的,也有开办家庭教育的。一位同事评价Wendy是“使整个组织凝聚在一起的粘合剂”。Wendy在校友会的愿景宣言中加入了更多国家的语言,这样就能够代表所有的校友会成员。她可靠、平静、镇定,是一位很好的聆听者,并且欢迎别人把不同的观点放在桌面上一起讨论。

楼主 crazyloach  发布于 2014-03-02 13:53:00 +0800 CST  




楼主 crazyloach  发布于 2014-03-02 18:49:00 +0800 CST  


David对于他朋友的音乐持开放性的态度,与其融为一体,并且把这种音乐转移到吉他上进行改善与解读,这样的工作一直持续了二十年。他的朋友唱了一小段自己所创作的音乐,然后David就可以吸收这些创作。David以他朋友的方式用吉他来演绎这些创作,然而他的朋友并不会弹奏吉他。“George Martin是制片人,他为披头士乐队做着类似的事情。他在这些音乐中起着重要作用,因为他的接受能力。”David补充道,“9号能够从整体上把握一件事物。我们的开放性对于事物有种精神上的觉察,能够看到事物新鲜有趣的一面,而不会去评价它的好坏。我们用一种接受性的思维方式来看待事物,能够从别人身上看到有趣的、万花筒般的特质,无论我们是否喜欢那些特质。”

楼主 crazyloach  发布于 2014-03-03 01:03:00 +0800 CST  




楼主 crazyloach  发布于 2014-03-04 00:36:00 +0800 CST  


9号通常会在自己并不喜欢的工作里停留过多的时间,因为他们并不倾听自己内心的声音。Sonya说她在一份工作里停留了四年,而这份工作却不能帮助她实现长期目标。Sonya没有辞职的原因之一居然是可以在工作休息时打乒乓球。谢天谢地,Sonya终于意识到自己就像Rip Van Winkle一样在浪费生命,猛然醒悟却已经虚度了二十年。现在Sonya打算寻求一份更加有挑战性的工作,希望有美好的未来。

楼主 crazyloach  发布于 2014-03-04 11:47:00 +0800 CST  





楼主 crazyloach  发布于 2014-03-04 17:36:00 +0800 CST  




楼主 crazyloach  发布于 2014-03-04 22:03:00 +0800 CST  






楼主 crazyloach  发布于 2014-03-05 00:01:00 +0800 CST  



楼主 crazyloach  发布于 2014-03-05 00:11:00 +0800 CST  




楼主 crazyloach  发布于 2014-03-07 11:03:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2013-12-17 22:54:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2019-05-01 09:14:11 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



