【原创】This time is my turn 第二季(WH 现实文 腹黑)

16 ABC新闻


楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-25 22:20:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-25 22:47:00 +0800 CST  
【对,虽然我告诉了他麦凯恩的车辆,与他贴身的安保信息。但是我同时也有通过我美国的眼线,通知了他们今天将会有恐怖 袭击,我也料到了很可能是麦凯恩的车。本来想要让麦凯恩免于这次爆炸事件的,不过,确实没有想到詹姆斯居然会快我一步,先把麦凯恩杀掉了,MI5与CIA都在四周埋伏着,本来我以为这次可以将他抓住,一网打尽,不过,现在显然是我太天真了。】麦克罗夫非常无奈地抬起了头看了眼对面的弟弟,他此刻正陷入了沉思。
【他是怎么在这么严密的监控下派杀手接近麦凯恩的,又怎么在众目睽睽中巧妙地取了他 的性命的?】雷斯垂德骨子里的探长精神又在此刻发挥了出来,他敏锐地抛出了这几个比较实在的问题。

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-25 22:52:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-25 23:07:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-25 23:09:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-25 23:10:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-25 23:10:00 +0800 CST  


楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-25 23:33:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-26 12:36:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-26 19:48:00 +0800 CST  



楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-26 19:49:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-26 20:23:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-27 19:28:00 +0800 CST  

Operation (plan)-Soaring Fist(I don’t know the Chinese)冲天soaring拳头fist. 飙升的拳头
We used to call the Taliban many things“Hadji” “Rag Head” “Camel Fuckers”
“Camel Jockey” “Osama” “Muslim Dogs” “Desert Dirt”
· It is a plan to destroy the TalibancommunicationHQ (radio, phone)HQ = (head quarters),without being seen.
· The target is near a town called “Dehyak Surkanay”, 4.6kmSW (south west)of “Tirin Kot” in the “Oruzgan” Province (Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Guangdong are all provinces). In the CentralSouthern Highlands of Afghanistan. (I will send a map and show everything on it, places, which way we went, where the Americans and Taliban were, targets, landing zone, how we got out, battles)
· We mustHALO (high altitude low opening)jump (parachute)on to a very smallplain (flat area)high in the mountains 3kmWSW(west south west)of Dehyak Surkanay. At 02:50 in the morning.
Then we had 3 hours to get to the place, get ready and look at what else was there.
Next we had to blow up the target, walk to where the Americans were going to attack (about 8km), get on a helicopter and go back to camp. The longest we were going on the mission should be 22hours. We thought it was going to be easy. We took lots of C4 (explosive), rifles and bullets, lasers, radio, target location signallers, detonators, timers, water and 2 ration packs (food for breakfast and lunch).
· We mustlaser designate (point at with a laser)1 communication building, so a jet can hit it with only one bomb. We must do it 4-5 minutes before a bigger group of men (240 men), attack another place using helicopters to get there.
· To laser target something you must have 3 differentlaser designators (hand laser guns),
pointed at the target, from 3 different places. Then a plane can drop a bomb. The bomb (missile) will go to where the 3 lasers cross (meet).

· It’s just like a gun, point it at a thing and pull the trigger 板机. You must hold the trigger until the bomb from the plane, is locked onto the lasers. Then you can just wait for the bomb. It will hit inside the red triangle. (see under)
- DIT (6 men/3 lots of 2 men = 1 DIT)
Missile导弹- Hellfire Missile comes from plane, hits red triangle

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-27 20:22:00 +0800 CST  

I was one of 6 soldiers on this mission in Afghanistan. We were working as a “DIT” Unit.
“DesignatorInsertionTeam”. We called ourselves “The Dirty Ditties”. A “ditty” is a short song, normally funny. We used to joke that we wrote (write) songs with bombs. (funny ha?)
1. HALO jump from a plane 15,500 metres high.
2. Open parachute at 500metres from the ground
3. Walk 3 km to target area. Get ready (laser the building)
4. So far everything is OK, we have done it all to plan it is now 04:55. (55 minutes before attack)
5. Wait, watch, report.
6. We looked every where. We found much more than they said was there. We found our target (communication tower), then we saw a training camp of about 350 soldiers, weapons(AK47’s and RPG7’s), caves for living in and a factory for making heroin (bay fen) from opium鸦片
7. We reported all of this. They told us to destroy everything there.
8. We sneaked down to the camp, put on some bombs, some target location discs and returned to our lasers. We waited for the right time and destroyed everything all together, at the same time.
9. Then we got ready to go a place near “Najoy” where the Americans would be.
10. On the way to Najoy we found another training camp, we asked for artillery火炮to hit the new target.
11. Because there were bad people (Taliban) in the good (Afghan) army, the Taliban knew where the US soldiers were going to be. They had moved from where they were, to another mountain about 600metres away.
12. The US was being attacked by the Taliban before they could land. Then they landed in the wrong place. They landed south of the Taliban, on the next mountain. They should be north of the Taliban.
13. When we got to Najoy, we saw the US in the wrong place (by 1200 metres) and the Taliban in a different place than we were told and they had about 1500 soldiers. Now we know that the Taliban are in a good place to attack and destroy the Americans easily.
14. We got as close as we could to the Taliban, we were on the side of the mountain, behind them, about 65 metres from them. They were in a very safe place, we had to send for planes with bombs, artillery and mortars迫击炮弹. Then we had to tell them exactly where the bombs had to go. The bombs were so close to us that we could feel the heat in the earth from the bombs and explosions. We did that for more than 7 hours. The closest bomb was just 30 metres from us. All of the bombs had to go over us, our heads, we were in the open.
15. After those hours and thousands of bombs, there was enough safety to get some of the US soldiers out by helicopter. About 150 men were going back to camp. We stayed to keep the bombs coming, so the Americans would be safe and could get out
16. After 2 and a half more hours the US soldiers were all out. There was only us 6 Australians left. No one could come to get us, we had to walk out of Afghanistan if we wanted to live.
17. The closest border边界was Pakistan巴基斯坦, about 200km, east. We couldn’t go east, it was too dangerous 危险. So we decided to go north, back the way we came.
18. After 6 weeks of running from the Taliban over the mountains, through rivers, snow and ice. No food or water (we hunted), no communication, always being chased by Taliban, fighting and running everyday, no more bombs, no more bullets, tired, changing direction all the time.
19. 6 weeks later, we finally got out of Afghanistan. We crossed over the border into Iran at a place called Zaranj, about 400km from where we first started. We walked all the way. I had only 2 bullets in my gun and a knife when I got to Iran. Even my clothes were trash.
There was a lot more that happened, but that should be enough to get your story started. Believe me it was very scary, dangerous and exhausting. I am lucky to be alive.

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-27 20:23:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-27 21:15:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-28 12:03:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-28 14:29:00 +0800 CST  

楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-28 17:47:00 +0800 CST  



楼主 seria_22  发布于 2013-09-28 17:49:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2013-09-06 04:12:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2024-08-30 01:28:13 +0800 CST


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖



