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楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 22:36:00 +0800 CST  
taroliw  4 天之前 4 推荐
A 15-story building /done/ in SIX days?? Wow... just WOW.
15 层高的建筑 6 天完工??哇靠!。。。除了哇靠真不知该说啥好。

ocelotrevs 4 天之前 3 推荐
That’’s kinda of scary, you could’’ve gone away for a week, and when you’’ve come home a building has suddenly appeared.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 22:40:00 +0800 CST  
palyman92 3 天之前 2 推荐
Imagine coming home after a 2 day trip and you look out your window like WTF

euromann12 3 天之前 29 推荐
Imagine looking for a hotel room, there is no vacancy, and the receptionist says, “just wait for a few minutes, we will put up another hotel.”

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 22:42:00 +0800 CST  
maurotamm 18 小时之前
"We build your skyscraper in a week, buy 1 get 2 for 9,99m $, call now and you get this amazing parking house for free. WAIT, there is more, we even give you your own personal train station."
“我们将在一周之内建好您的摩天大厦, 9 亿 9 千 9 百万,买一赠二,现在马上拨打电话还有免费车库赠送。哦,等等!还有更多惊喜在等着您,我们甚至可以提供您的私人火车站哦 ~ !”

MrMuseenglish 4 天之前 2 推荐
that’’s gotta be the music from SimCity 4
真该配上《模拟城市 4 》的背景乐。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 22:48:00 +0800 CST  
ak471deag   1 天前 7 推荐
amazing stuff.
here in Canada everything takes forever to complete.
whole fukin day to clear some small debris from accidents on highways.
small sections of roads take a whole fukin year. then winter the road cracks again from all the salt sprayed on it. so repeat next year!
WOOD houses take like fukin two years.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 22:57:00 +0800 CST  
我的召唤兽魅族PR06 !

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 22:59:00 +0800 CST  
foudo   1 天前
@ak471deag : in my country building a round-about takes 5 yrs
(回 ak471deag ):知足吧,在我们国家修个转盘都得 5 年。
【= =0 这家伙是科威特的吗……】

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 22:59:00 +0800 CST  
Chinese came to my country to build roads. Kings Highway took less then 50 days to finish. Buiding a seawall took less then 30 days, building the South Pacific Games Stadium, Pool, Tracks and field less then a month! My country is Fiji & Australia is whinning that Fiji is having ties with China LMAO - too funny!!
中国人曾经来过我们国家修路。 Kings 高速花了不到 50 天就竣工了,建海堤用了不到 30 天,建南太平洋体育场,泳池,运动场地用了不到 1 个月!顺便说我的国家是斐济。而澳大利亚居然还在抱怨为啥斐济跟中国走那么近?!真逗!!

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 22:59:00 +0800 CST  
polkjhgfdsaqw  1 天前
i wish those guys could come to Edmonton. In one of the highways it took Canadian cosntruction workers 2 years to finish a road

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:00:00 +0800 CST  
blkhauck  4 天之前 3 推荐
This is why they are better than us. Our version of construction is 5 guys standing around and 1 guy working. DAMN IT
这就是为啥他们比我们强。换我们的版本,工程建设就是 5 个人站在一边儿看一个人干活儿。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:01:00 +0800 CST  
mrjezerc  4 天之前
That is why you should send your kids to Chinese language lessons!!!

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:04:00 +0800 CST  
dadnesia   4 天之前 2 推荐
Anyway, we can print money faster than these guys!

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:05:00 +0800 CST  
asiansjason  3 天之前 37 推荐
man, the only thing i can think America can get done fast is fast food orders -_-
我能想到唯一美国人干得快的事儿就是订快餐 -_-
allgood789   3 天之前
Evan fast food in America some times still take 15-20 minutes to get your order. The quick that can get done in America is get devorces. Married today maybe devorces next week.....
在美国就算快餐有时都得等 15-20 分钟才拿得到。在美国能干得快的事儿是离婚。今天刚结也许下礼拜就离了…

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:05:00 +0800 CST  
weirdbuckle  4 天之前
it is okay, it is okay, our building lasts for more than 100 years.
不错,不错,(但)我们的建筑物可是能撑 100 多年哦。

kerinlau  4 天之前 @weirdbuckle
Not really gonna last for more than 100 years. A road of quarter mile at front of my home had been messed up for five months, but will still crack in five years. If its in China, it would be a 2-day job, I guess. And another 2-day job after five years.
(回 weirdbuckle )也不是真能撑 100 年。我家门前一条几里的小路坏掉施工了 5 个月,但 5 年内肯定还得照坏。如果这在中国,也就是两天的活儿。最多 5 年之后花上两天再修一遍。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:07:00 +0800 CST  
lidoz  3 天之前
As a civil engineer u need to consider other factors. 1. FOUNDATION, it would have taken them at least 21days to construct a deep foundation for this building. 2. All those components were prefabricated at different factory, God knows when they started working on those beams and even design, it could have taken them months at least. Whats impressive is that all peaces came in time and the construction management was superb!
So its not 6 days.
作为一个民用工程师,你必须得考虑到其他因素。 1. 地基,像这样的楼至少也要花上 21 天才能挖出足够深的地基。 2. 所有这些组装件都是别的工厂里事先做好的。天知道他们是打从什么时候就开始制作那些大梁甚至着手设计的,恐怕最少也让他们花了几个月。这里真正令人钦佩的是所有这些部件都按时备齐了,以及卓越的建设管理。
所以这并不单是 6 天。

madklint  3 天之前 3 推荐
Well it obviously took time to design and get all that stuff done just like everything else does, but the fact that they planned everything so well that they could construct the hotel in six days is AMAZING.
没错当然先得花时间做完设计和搞定所有配件,做任何事都是这样。但他们竟然能把先期计划做得这么好,以至于能用仅仅 6 天就建起这酒店,这一点足够令人惊叹。

maseratieeee  3 天之前
right it probably took them a long time to design it...but dude now they can build them all over the place and take like two weeks to build each one.
没错,他们也许得花更长的时间做先期设计…… 但是兄弟,现在他们可以把这设计用在其他所有地方,每一地儿都只要花两周就能建起一幢楼。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:08:00 +0800 CST  
youngien  4 天之前 2 推荐
a lot of you are missing the point here, is not the build or its speed thats amazing here. It is the planning, the designer who design this. Think Ikea..... so you can screw something together in 2 hrs, doesnt mean you are amazing, its the designers job. This is an engineering Per-Fab house.
这儿的很多人都没搞清重点:不是建筑也不是它的速度了不起,而是它的规划以及设计了这一切的设计师了不起。想想宜家…… 你能花俩钟头把组装家具拼起来,不代表你出色,而是设计者的工作出色。这是一幢工程学上的预制建筑。

igrenade  3 天之前
lol retards on yahoo are crying about how "shitty" this building is when they know nothing about architecture.
呵呵 yahoo 上那些脑残在大声嚷嚷这建筑有多“渣”,可他们压根就没人真懂建筑学。

Bolero08   4 天之前
Is building built in that speed stable? I don’t believe.

EmperorOfMars  4 天之前 @Bolero08
Is a fork made by black smith over two hours better than a stamp metal one built in 2 second better?
(回 Bolero08 ) 难道铁匠花俩钟头打的叉子就比机器冲压 2 秒做出的合金叉子更牢靠?

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:08:00 +0800 CST  
Bolero08   4 天之前 @EmperorOfMars
I am not familiar about constructions that is why skepticism.
In my current city Reykjavik, Iceland Chinese are building by part but it is not staying correct at all. Here is storm, earthquakes and a lot of rain. Maybe is construction on video only ok for Chinese ground.

helloterran 3 天之前 3 推荐
@Bolero08: dont look for excuses. The empire state building took only 410 days to complete. Americans used to be hardworking people who are good at making instead of consuming. USED TO BE.
(回复 Bolero08 ) 别找借口。以前帝国大厦只用 410 天就建好了。现在只懂浪费粮食的美国人过去也曾经很勤劳过。“过去曾经”。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:09:00 +0800 CST  
bizman82   4 天之前 2 推荐 @gahoffm
LIKE YOUR IPOD, IPHONE, PS3, HP, DELL, LOGITECH, NIKE, XBOX, BLACKBERRY and the list goes on and on.. I wish I can still find something that does not read Made in China these days.. LOL......
(回 gahoffm )(像中国建造的其他东西一样?)像你的 IPOD, IPHONE, PS3 ,惠普,戴尔,罗技,耐克, XBOX ,黑莓… 要列单子的话永远都列不完……。真希望现在这世道我还能找得出一件没标“中国制造”的东西呵呵……

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:14:00 +0800 CST  
AGNOSSI   1 天之前
Slapped together = poor quality
I work construction. Were not allowed to use most things made in China. From sheetrock screws to crane rigging...nothing Chinese made - because of the poor quality.
China = cheap junk
简单匆忙 = 低质量
中国 = 廉价垃圾

CeBitsMobile   1 天之前 3 推荐
@AGNOSSI : Generalization on one whole country is ignorant and stupid. Most of the high-tech stuff of today are made in china. You live and buy them as American products, but they are actually manufactured and assembled in China. American / European companies build factories in China as the labor and taxes are lower and then sell the product to you the naive customer and the rest of the ignorant americans.
(回 AGNOSSI )动不动就给整个国家贴标签真是有够愚蠢无知。现在大多数高科技的东西都是中国制造的。你把它们当成美国货来买,但实际上它们是在中国生产和组装的。美国 / 欧洲的公司在中国设厂,因为那儿的劳力便宜税也更低,然后这些公司再把产品返销给你这个天真的消费者以及其余那些无知的美国佬。

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:14:00 +0800 CST  
randeDANDE   4 天之前 3 推荐
so many butthurt americans here. get over it. were not perfect.

onirocknroll   1 天之前
I smell jealousy here.

楼主 新生水军卡卡西  发布于 2016-04-15 23:14:00 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2016-04-16 06:36:00 +0800 CST

更新时间:2021-03-16 16:24:09 +0800 CST


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