
各位弟兄姐妹平安。学习路德宗的圣餐神学,《奥斯堡信条辩护论》第十章是“必修课”。由于众所周知的原因,网络上相关的中文资源很少;而已有的译本,我个人有诸多不满意之处。“孤不度德量力,欲信大义于天下”,试译如下,仅供不寐之夜读者参考。文中有歧义之处,我将德文原文列出来,并将常见的英译一并列出, 以便查考。同时建议大家重读F. Pieper在Christian Dogmatics第三册中关于圣餐的相关论述(p.290-393-)。在这篇译文之后,有两篇附录。第一篇简要介绍与路德圣餐神学并行、并影响中国教会的四种主要思潮;第二篇简要介绍路德教会圣餐常用的赞美诗。另外,我们的圣餐神学系列课程第一课讲章将于10月份第二周正式刊发于不寐之夜,因为从下周一直到十月第一周,我基本上要在美国和加拿大之间往返,其中有一次到神学院,参加“圣餐神学”的“集训课程”;另外一次到弗罗里达参加路德教区的牧者年会,届时进一步讨论开设CSMP项目的可能性。不过这三周时间不会耽搁主日证道;若有可能,期间也会编发一次“问答与回应”。请大家为我的身体和侍奉祷告,主必同在。阿门。(任不寐,2014年9月10日)

楼主 亚历山大  发布于 2016-12-11 15:50:13 +0800 CST  

The Defense of the Augsburg Confession 奥斯堡信条辩护论
Article X: Of the Holy Supper 第十章、论圣餐
The Tenth Article has been approved, in which we confess that we believe, that in the Lord's Supper the body and blood of Christ are truly and substantially present, and are truly tendered(distributed; exibere, offered), with those things which are seen, bread and wine, to those who receive the Sacrament.
This belief we constantly defend , as the subject has been carefully examined and considered. For since Paul says, 1 Cor. 10:16, that the bread is the communion of the Lord's body (a sharing in the body of Christ), etc., it would follow, if the Lord's body were not truly present, that the bread is not a communion of the body, but only of the spirit of Christ.
And we have ascertained that not only the Roman Church affirms the bodily presence of Christ, but the Greek Church also both now believes, and formerly believed, the same. For the canon of the Mass among them testifies to this, in which the priest clearly prays that the bread may be changed and become the very body of Christ. And Vulgarius, who seems to us to be not a silly writer, says distinctly that bread is not a mere figure, but is truly changed into flesh.

楼主 亚历山大  发布于 2017-05-20 16:13:25 +0800 CST  

And there is a long exposition of Cyril on John 15, in which he teaches that Christ is corporeally offered us in the Supper. For he says thus: Nevertheless, we do not deny that we are joined spiritually to Christ by true faith and sincere love. But that we have no mode of connection with Him, according to the flesh, this indeed we entirely deny. And this, we say, is altogether foreign to the divine Scriptures. For who has doubted that Christ is in this manner a vine, and we the branches, deriving thence life for ourselves? Hear Paul saying 1 Cor. 10:17; Rom. 12:5; Gal. 3:28: We are all one body in Christ; although we are many, we are, nevertheless, one in Him; for we are, all partakers of that one bread. Does he perhaps think that the virtue of the mystical benediction is unknown to us? Since this is in us, does it not also, by the communication of Christ's flesh, cause Christ to dwell in us bodily? And a little after: Whence we must consider that Christ is in us not only according to the habit, which we call love, but also by natural participation……
赛里尔(译注:Cyril of Alexandria,Κύριλλος Ἀλεξανδρείας,c. 376 – 444)注释约翰福音15章时教导说,在圣餐中,基督以肉身赐给我们。因为他这样说:“尽管如此,我们并不否认,靠着真正的信心和无伪的爱心,我们在灵性上与基督联合。但是,我们的确完全否认,我们没有以任何方式在身体上与祂连接。而且,我们认为,这一派观点完全悖离圣经。因为是谁已经同样质疑:基督是葡萄树而我们是枝子,叫我们从祂那里得生命呢?请听保罗在哥林多前书10:17、罗马书12:1和加拉太书3:28中怎样说:‘我们在基督里是一个身体;我们虽多,但是我们这许多人在基督里成为一身,因为我们都是分受这一个饼’。难道保罗以为我们对这一奥秘福祉的价值是无知的吗?既然这在我们里面,那么不也说明:藉着同领基督的身体,叫基督身体住在我们里面吗?”稍后他写道,“因此我们必须认为,基督住在我们里面不仅仅是根据我们说的爱的能力,而且是借着身体共享……”

楼主 亚历山大  发布于 2017-05-20 16:13:35 +0800 CST  

We have cited these testimonies, not to undertake a discussion here concerning this subject, for His Imperial Majesty does not disapprove of this article, but in order that all who may read them may the more clearly perceive that we defend the doctrine received in the entire Church, that in the Lord's Supper the body and blood of Christ are truly and substantially present, and are truly tendered with those things which are seen, bread and wine.
And we speak of the presence of the living Christ; for we know that death hath no more dominion over Him, Rom(6:9).

楼主 亚历山大  发布于 2017-05-20 16:13:42 +0800 CST  


楼主 亚历山大  发布于 2017-05-20 16:14:31 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2017-05-21 00:12:59 +0800 CST

更新时间:2017-05-26 20:24:14 +0800 CST


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