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The month starts out with a bang, for a full moon lunar eclipse just arrived on January 31, a mere day prior to the start of February. That full moon eclipse will ask you to make final decisions or actions involving your finances. A full moon eclipse brings a grand ending, so if you have been negotiating the fair split of assets at the end of a divorce, you seem to be at the point of an agreement now. The door will close, and you will walk away with all details finished. I feel you will be satisfied with your negotiated totals and be fee to address other concerns.

There are many types of financial transactions that might be taking place now. If you owe anyone, chances are you were settling your account and wiping it clean. If anyone owes you, the check will be in the mail, at long last. I am so enthusiastic that action Mars will be well oriented to this full moon lunar eclipse, indicating if you have a money-making idea, you are eager to get it approved and on the docket so that you can get started working on them.

The January 31 eclipse, which will affect you not for a day but for months, will be more about finishing off the old so that you can clear the decks for the new. With all lunar eclipses, something ends, and something else begins. The area of the chart that this eclipse fell was in Leo, 12 degrees, in your eighth house of other people’s money. As you enter February, you may be writing a check to your credit card company or others you might owe. The eighth house generally gives money in chunks, such as the money you would get from your employer as a bonus or large commission or from a venture capitalist for a large infusion of cash.

This same eighth house also rules money you would receive from a bank, as a mortgage or as a home improvement loan. Indeed, interest in investing in property is likely to be a big option that you are considering. Eclipses are important dates in our timeline, and there are two happening now, so you may be buying something very expensive, like a house, condo, car, computer, diamonds – you get the idea.

You may hear back from your university bursar’s department the first week of February about whether you were approved for a scholarship, grant, or a financial aid. If a dear relative, now passed, named you in their will, you would be hearing the details now. If you filed an insurance claim on an important case, you are likely to get notice about your claim in the first half of the month.

You might be ready to do your taxes, too, if they aren’t too complicated, because the eighth house, so lit up here, rules the money you send to the government (one of many reasons we call this house the house of other people’s money). You might be due a refund or hear you owe less than you estimated. This eclipse was friendly, so I feel overall you will like the results you see concerning money in early February.

Each eclipse has a twin, as they arrive in pairs on a full and new moon, two weeks apart. They travel in families of signs, so right now we are seeing the unfolding of the Leo and Aquarius eclipses that first started last year, on February 10, August 7, and August 21, 2017. Each eclipse builds on the one that came before, so think about the discussions you had last year and how what you are doing now is related to those talks. In time you will see the grand, underlying pattern of events.

Eclipses bring enormous energy, so if you have been drumming your fingers on your desk, wondering when you would see progress, you will get your wish in February. Eclipses also bring a floodlight of truth and information, too, so if any important details have been withheld from you or overlooked by you, that data will be given to you now. When you fit all the pieces of your puzzle into place, a new picture will emerge along with a new understanding of the situation.

Your next biggest date to watch will be February 15 when a new moon solar eclipse in Aquarius 27 degrees will light a path to allow you to make more money. If the eighth house (discussed above) was about money that is given in chunks, this next eclipse on February 15 will be about your regular way of earning money as salary or earned income. This same house also rules all the money you view as personal, that you save and spend as you wish – no one else will have dibs on it.

I love this eclipse because Uranus rules Aquarius, the sign where this eclipse is appearing, and Uranus is about to take a starring role in this eclipse. In a remarkable coincidence, Uranus will be perfectly angled to this new moon, Sun, and Mercury, and will bring you completely unexpected news about a way you can now earn good money. All will be up to you – you can decide if you want to take advantage of the job offer. It is alternatively possible that you will receive a very valuable gift, and because this eclipse comes the day after Valentine’s Day, my imagination is running wild about what that could be. Whatever you hear or are given after February 15 should make you very happy.

By the time you get to the end of the month, you will be ready to take a rest from pounding the calculator, making entries into Excel sheets, and reading pie charts. You need a complete change, and travel seems to be the perfect anecdote. This time you can travel far, so by all means, do! Choose a spot in the mountains – Switzerland perhaps? Or how about going to Chamonix in France near Mont Blanc? I suggest mountains because this full moon will be in an earth sign, perfect for you.

By the time you get to month’s end, you will start to feel the energy building of this perfectly lovely full moon in Virgo, March 1, which will be influential through the weekend of March 3-4. If you want to fly away to a magical distant place, this full moon will make it possible.

The part about this full moon that should get you excited is that Saturn, your ruling planet, will be so perfectly cooperative. If you make a promise at this full moon, it is likely to stand the test of time. If you travel for business, to see a client face to face, you will quickly reach accord and form a strong bond.

In terms of love, you will do quite well when Venus tours Pisces from February 10 to March 6. While Valentine’s Day might be exciting because of the possibility of a beautiful or heartfelt gift, I like February 21 best for you. That evening of February 21 will be filled with magic and moonlight, for glittering Neptune, planet of unconditional love, will be conjunct Venus in Pisces, the finest sign for Venus to be, as Pisces allows Venus to love deeply, purely, and wholeheartedly.

楼主 王小亚  发布于 2016-12-11 15:50:13 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2018-02-04 02:08:09 +0800 CST

更新时间:2018-02-07 21:56:42 +0800 CST


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