















Yearly Forecast: Aries 2018

Image: "At the bottom of a shimmering pond, an antique mirror"

Message: Looking in.

The coming year will challenge many Aries natives to settle long-standing issues of home priorities versus romantic or social commitments. Between March 2nd and May 4th watch for romantic partners and workplace authority figures to compete for your time, attention and loyalty. Some Aries natives, especially those born after 1984, will experience this as the final phase of a 28 month cycle involving complex issues of home ownership, relocation, demanding workplace schedules or postponed business advancement. Planetary movements suggest that it is vital that these issues, along with romantic promises or family planning, be agreeably settled by mid-May. Throughout late April and early May respond quickly to new business projects or workplace assignments and show others that you are willing to adopt greater responsibilities. If, however, business solutions still remain allusive or job promotions are not forthcoming, it is very likely that an unexpected job offer or unusual career path will arrive shortly after June 28th. From an emotional point of view, long-term romantic relationships will follow this same trend: serious issues of commitment, home promises or family planning will need to be settled before late May. If, however, serious issues are irresolvable, it is extremely likely that a new relationship will captivate your attention at the end of June. Single Aries natives can expect to meet an exotic and potentially long-term lover between June 28th and September 8th. Spiritually, this year Aries natives will be tasked to bring their inner world solidly into the public realm and, ultimately, remain true to their own deeply felt values, promises and ideals.

Yearly Forecast: Taurus 2018

Image: "Before opening curtain, a loud and energetic orchestra"

Message: Passionate overtures.

Over much of the coming year Taureans will need to speak more honestly in key relationships, find positive ways to resolve past family or romantic disputes and, ultimately, publicly reveal their private feelings, needs and goals to loved ones. After approximately 17 months of slow progress in romantic and social relationships, many Taureans will now experience a powerful motivation to bring meaningful and lasting change to their emotional lives. Beginning early in March watch for a brief but intense phase of financial discussions in the home and/or minor disruptions in romantic relationships. Key issues may involve long-term debt, home planning, family arrangements or shared financial duties. After March 26th a new era of bold expression, emotional clarity and revealing communications begins in all long-term relationships. Spiritually and emotionally, this marks the end of almost seven years of lingering memories, influences from the past and unproductive nostalgia: for most Taureans vital relationships will now become a central theme in their lives. Single Taureans can expect to meet a new lover between March 2nd and May 27th and begin a fast moving, highly passionate relationship. Between April 5th and mid-July, however, business associates and key officials may be unusually focused on past accomplishments and yesterday's unproductive goals. If so, maintain an optimistic attitude and avoid public debate: minor workplace disruptions and private resentments will tend to escalate before July 21st. After September 8th watch for a quick financial breakthrough or job promotion: planetary alignments suggest that business and money luck will steadily increase before the end of this year. A complex and emotionally important year: expect 2018 to mark the beginning of a new era of romantic confidence and renewed financial security.

Yearly Forecast: Gemini 2018

Image: "As a young boy, Galileo studying the heavens"

Message: Intimate lessons.

Business projects and difficult work assignments begun over the past 10 months will now, and over the coming nine weeks, experience a powerful and positive phase of expansion. Some Geminis, especially those born between 1958 and 1984, will experience a surprising and highly lucrative job proposal between March 4th and April 2nd. If so, expect past career contacts and postponed contracts to be a major theme. Emotionally and spiritually, many Geminis will this year find it necessary to both retrieve their valuable ideas from the past and evolve toward a new, more confident expression of career interests. Between early 2018 and mid-2023 most Geminis and Sagittarians will be profoundly affected by the coming solar maximum and elliptic procession: watch for vital and far reaching changes in the areas of business communications, traditional roles versus creative expression, private emotional healing, public service and social identity. After May 10th many Geminis will also encounter an intense seven week phase of compelling sensuality and romantic expansion. Planetary alignments suggest that this period of vitality and renewed physical confidence will also mark the start of a steady increase in social invitations and new group identity. By mid-September new relationships will evolve into long-term commitments and previous relationships will move to a deeply felt level of intimacy, trust and shared life goals. For many Geminis (and Sagittarians) this year will also be filled with intense dream experiences, bouts of emotional frustration and increased family or home demands. Astrologically, however, this represents a period of constructive creativity before meaningful outer change. An extremely important year: trust your inner voice and refuse to remain loyal to outdated or lingering ideals.

Yearly Forecast: Cancer 2018

Image: "Moments before daybreak, a glowing light on the horizon"

Message: New awakenings.

Early this year property decisions and family planning will play a major role in long-term relationships. At present deep issues of emotional and financial security will demand clear decisions and meaningful discussions with loved ones. Don't, however, hold back: planetary alignments suggest that between March 2nd and May 27th it is important that the past 10 months of emotional struggle within the home be publicly debated and permanently resolved. For many Cancerians this phase of confident planning and bold expression will be immediately followed by several months of intense business and financial progress. After June 28th expect key officials, bosses or managers to offer unique opportunities in the areas of team leadership, new technologies, job promotion and added training. Essentially, many Cancerians are now, and over the next 16 months, being required to bring creativity and constructive progress to areas of their lives that were previously stagnant. For some Cancerians, especially those born prior to 1984, this phase will mark the end of almost seven years of inward thought, low confidence and social doubt. July 14th through September 8th watch also for long-term social and romantic relationships to either steadily expand or begin fading from importance. By mid-September relationships that are intended to remain in your life will offer obvious signals of passion, emotional growth and newfound understanding. Single Cancerians can expect a sudden increase in social and romantic invitations throughout much of next few months. A pivotal year: watch for renewed feelings of youth, vitality and ambition to soon be a common theme.

Yearly Forecast: Leo 2018

Image: "A dozen red roses in a white porcelain vase"

Message: Bountiful dreams.

Ownership, property decisions, social identity and traditional roles versus family expansion are a key theme for much of the coming year. After March 2nd many Leos will feel compelled to resolve outstanding contracts and finalize land or property agreements. Ironically, much of this will quickly lead to a bold and creative phase of family enjoyment, travel, financial increase and home awareness. After approximately seven months of struggle to achieve in the areas of practical accomplishment, legal paperwork, job security and financial opportunity, many Leos will, ironically, feel dramatic progress in the areas of family enjoyment, home expansion and social creativity or romantic expression. Between early March and late July expect a powerful wave of emotional security and social acceptance to arrive in your life. Business matters and career ventures, although positive, may still remain dormant for approximately eight months: after August 18th, however, watch for a dramatic breakthrough involving unique partnerships, financial expansion and new job placement. Some Leos, especially those born between 1982 and 1989, will also experience a compelling need to travel for exciting career opportunities. Romantically and socially, 2018 will prove to be an important time of rekindled passion and newfound emotional expression. After mid-May many Leos will begin at least a 16 year period of spiritual growth, romantic sharing and emotional awakening: expect this time to re-introduce deep feelings of youth and faith back into your life. An exciting and changeable year: follow your heart.

Yearly Forecast: Virgo 2018

Image: "In early spring, a thundering crash of river ice"

Message: Seasonal change.

The coming year will challenge many Virgos to break from unproductive habits, resolve outstanding family matters and move important relationships to a new level of commitment. Key themes in 2018 will involve finding new and meaningful ways to nurture your own identity in the home and expand emotional security between loved ones. After March 5th long-term relationships will experience a brief but intense return to old ideas, past family issues or yesterday's social patterns. Between April 2nd and June 28th, however, sudden reversals and dramatic home changes are accented. Planetary alignments suggest that this will be a time of positive and vital renewal in the areas of romantic planning, family agreement and social celebration. Some Virgos, especially those born late in August, may also experience a brief wave of complex legal or financial issues from the past. If so, expect inheritance and property decisions to play a major role. Throughout the summer months many Virgos will also experience deep feelings of spiritual awakening, romantic insight and social awareness. To some degree, relationships that emotionally represent the last few years of private struggle in your life will now dramatically fade. Single Virgos can expect to begin a highly challenging and socially exciting relationship between July 9th and September 8th. Business and financial increase this year will arrive after August 19th in the areas of shared workplace assignments, team projects and new partnerships. Watch for rare opportunities concerning investments, land documents and group expansion. A deeply felt and changeable year: expect bold improvements in the home and all key relationships.

Yearly Forecast: Libra 2018

Image: "At the bottom of the ocean, five small eggs"

Message: Hidden dreams.

Nostalgic sentiments and yesterday's loyalties will play a major role in social relationships before mid-May. Some Librans, especially those born after 1978, will now encounter a powerful need to finish with the past, relive old memories or resolve unproductive emotional patterns. Early this year planetary alignments suggest that many Librans will be offered an unique glimpse into their own past motivations. Expect profound lessons here: after May 10th many Librans will feel subtly purged of outdated habits and unproductive ideals. Both romantic and business partnerships will be directly affected: watch for relationships or career agreements that are intended to leave your life to suddenly become mired in old concepts or unnecessary emotional patterns. Throughout much of July and August, however, all of this begins to move rapidly forward: expect dramatic romantic proposals and a compelling wave of social invitations. Business and financial opportunities will arrive in the form of highly creative ideas or an unexpected offer to change careers. For many Librans the last few years have felt sluggish and uneventful in several key areas of life. Now, however, and continuing on for at least four years progress will be swift, obvious and undeniable: use this time to recognize your own dreams and re-establish a positive relationship with your own inner voice. After September 8th watch also for a remarkable opportunity for home expansion or relocation. Property matters and legal contracts will work strongly in your favour if, and only if, the emotional lessons of breaking with the past are this year deeply learned. Stay focused.

Yearly Forecast: Scorpio 2018

Image: "Near a river delta, hundreds of salmon swimming upstream"

Message: Answering the call.

This year it is vital that you speak your mind. For most Scorpios planetary alignments now suggest that complex issues of social identity, ownership and traditional roles in the home be openly debated and permanently resolved. Over the past 28 months silent study and private learning has been a positive theme in all key relationships. Now, however, and continuing on for most of the coming year, many Scorpios will find it necessary to bring forth their opinions, ask for greater home changes and challenge the outdated ideas of others. Both business and romantic or family relationships will be affected by this particular transit: watch for bosses, business partners, close relatives and lovers to request leadership and/or bold statements of intent throughout March, April and May. Don't hesitate to clarify your needs: this is the right time to begin a meaningful phase of self-expression and social confidence. After June 28th watch for an unique job offer to arrive in the field of information systems, communications, publishing or social services. For many Scorpios 2018 will also mark a time of new career choices and surprisingly meaningful job opportunities: if so, watch for an unexpected work proposal or contract to arrive between July 5th and September 26th. Later this year many Scorpios will also be challenged to quickly change their marital status, long-term commitments or living arrangements. After September 8th exciting romantic and social invitations will captivate your time and offer an undeniable opportunity for rapid growth. Already established relationships will, at this time, likely greatly expand to include unique housing settlements or unusual travel plans. A demanding but highly rewarding year: watch for vital decision points.

Yearly Forecast: Sagittarius 2018

Image: "At an important board meeting, a giggling executive"

Message: Private opinions.

Planetary alignments this year indicate that many Sagittarians will encounter a rare and powerful opportunity to bring lasting financial and romantic change into their lives. Home decisions affecting long-term security and complex emotional choices will be a continuing theme for much of the coming 16 months. Early in March most Sagittarians will begin to feel a compelling need to establish and pursue their own life goals rather than work hard to maintain the success of other's plans. Astrologically, this is a time of self-awareness and emotional arrival: over the next few years (ie: between mid-2018 and late 2023) many Sagittarians will act and react in ways unfamiliar to their closest friends, lovers or colleagues. Don't hesitate, however, to follow your first instincts: this is a profound time of reclaimed confidence and new spiritual awakening. After June 28th watch also for a surprising wave of messages from past friends, old lovers or distant colleagues. Ironically, yesterday's ideals, hopes and dreams will briefly reappear at this time and offer unique private lessons: remain open to hidden messages and powerful insights. Throughout much of the summer months business and financial progress will be a key theme: pay special attention to new opportunities in the areas of property management, land contracts, home operated businesses and private investments. Romantic relationships and long-term commitments will, after September 8th, begin a new phase of creative expression and group celebration: expect unique announcements and compelling social invitations. A remarkable year: listen to your own inner voice and all will unfold appropriately.

Yearly Forecast: Capricorn 2018

Image: "A twirling top wobbling across the floor"

Message: Making progress.

Early this year some Capricorns, especially those born between 1978 and 1991, will experience a dramatic wave of emotional change. Friends, lovers and close relatives may, before mid-May, announce unexpected business improvements, new financial agreements or complex social changes within the home. All of this, although briefly unsettling, will soon lead to rapid growth and a positive expansion of security: after May 10th watch for previously abandoned dreams or ambitions affecting home finances, expanded social circles or new business contracts to be re-established. For many Capricorns much of this will be brought into their lives by others: if so, remain open to unique ideas and refuse to be derailed by passionately expressed opinions. Between mid-June and late August take time for romantic enjoyment and social involvement: this will be a powerful and positive time to rekindled feelings of love, acceptance and confidence. Single Capricorns can expect new relationships to arrive in the form of rapidly expanding friendships or rare social introductions. Late in September watch also for an unexpected wave of financial luck from yesterday's business contacts, legal settlements or property investments. Old projects or forgotten agreements from approximately 22 months ago may now reappear and offer new pathways. Some Capricorns, especially those born late in December, may also be asked to act as leader to a group venture or begin a surprising new career undertaking. A dynamic and unusually rewarding year: stay open to fast improvements and new social outlets.

Yearly Forecast: Aquarius 2018

Image: "Before a storm, the sea crashing against a rocky shoreline"

Message: Waves of change.

This year many Aquarians will end a pattern of slow financial growth and/or leave unproductive social relationships in the past. Beginning shortly after March 4th watch for a subtle increase in business inquiries, job proposals and social invitations. Astrologically, this will mark the beginning of at least six years of steady expansion and newfound spiritual or emotional exploration. Over the past 26 months many Aquarians have been challenged to relive old memories, confront outdated patterns and review unproductive relationships. Now, however, and continuing on over the next few years, new and reliable opportunities will arrive in the form of surprising friendships, rare business or financial partnerships and rekindled feelings of health, vitality and creative self-expression. After mid-July watch also for an unique business or financial proposal concerning land ownership, property development, foreign investments or governmental contracts. July 28th through late September also accents passionate romantic encounters, new love affairs and exotic friendships. Late this summer a complex or unusual new relationship will likely challenge many Aquarians to offer long-term promises or bring lasting change to their home lives. All is well, so not to worry. Do, however, avoid being overly influenced by the comments or observations of others: this is not the right time to abandon your own social or romantic needs. A dynamic and unusually passionate year: make sure others understand your newfound confidence and long-term emotional ideals.

Yearly Forecast: Pisces 2018

Image: "On the first day of school, a bus full of giggling children"

Message: New starts.

Throughout much of 2018 many Pisceans will be challenged to end a four year phase of unproductive workplace alliances, stalled financial efforts and sluggish business projects. Career, employment advancement and improved levels of ambition will be a continuing theme over the next 16 months. Astrologically, this is absolutely the right time to instigate new employment strategies, search out better career options or resolve outstanding power struggles with authority figures. After March 4th watch also for a surprising proposal from a new romantic partner or close friend. Planetary alignments suggest that, between early March and late May, many Pisceans will bring dramatic and lasting changes to their emotional lives. If so, expect long-term relationships to evolve toward bold public commitments or new relationships to quickly become serious and, in some cases, cause minor and ongoing differences between family members. Spiritually and emotionally, this year will offer most Pisceans the opportunity to define their own public reputation, leave unproductive business partnerships in the past and begin a cycle of steadily increasing social, romantic and financial abundance. To some degree, much of this change may be coupled with profound dream experiences, ongoing spiritual awakenings and/or a powerful need for social expansion. After mid-August expect also to encounter an unexpected financial opportunity concerning legal documents, housing issues or family inheritances. September 8th through November 17th younger relatives or friends may ask for delicate advice concerning a major family change. If so, remain cautious: others will act and react in unpredictable ways. A complex and rewarding year: listen to your own inner voice and all will be well.

楼主 幻觉  发布于 2016-12-11 15:50:13 +0800 CST  



发表时间:2018-01-04 02:02:25 +0800 CST

更新时间:2018-01-06 20:36:14 +0800 CST


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